Okay, I'll get to the doctor's appointment in a minute, but first, I have to pat my own back on something I just did. We recently got a new computer and Ryan installed our printer/scanner/copier on it, but when I tried to scan my sonogram picture nothing happened. So I single-handedly uninstalled the printer and reinstalled everything (which included downloading a driver from the Lexmark website) and now it works!! Yay me!! :)
Now, on to the doctor's appointment. Let me start out by saying, I have been excited about this appointment for 3 weeks, when I first made the appointment. When I made the appointment, I was told that for the sonogram, I needed to drink at least 32 ounces of water. So I did that this morning as I was getting ready. Needless to say, by the time my appointment came around, I really needed to go to the bathroom!! :) So I got to the doctor's office a few minutes early to give time to fill out all the paperwork (and FYI...Ryan did come with me today). And I'm sitting there waiting on the little couch, just thinking, HURRY!! :) And it doesn't take long for them to call my name, thank goodness. I had heard different things from different people prior to this appointment. Some said that this first sonogram would be internal (does NOT sound fun!) and some said they've never had an internal sonogram. So I wasn't really sure what to be prepared for. Thankfully, this was an EXTERNAL sonogram! Yay!! Imagine this: you really need to go to the bathroom and instead of getting to relieve your bladder, a person uses a wand and presses really hard on your bladder. Yeah, thank goodness I'm a "big girl" who can hold it. :) (Side story, and this is true: when Ryan and I were on the plane coming back from our honeymoon, our plane had to sit outside of the terminal waiting to get a spot to "park." I really needed to go to the bathroom but the seat belt sign was on. I saw other people getting up to go to the bathroom so I decided it was okay. I get up and go to the front of the plane and a crabby flight attendant tells me to go sit down. I tell her I'm waiting for the bathroom. She says (and I quote), "Well, you're just going to have to hold it like a big girl." I swear, that really happened! I was 21 years old!! Okay, so now you know why I said the "big girl" thing earlier.)
On to the sonogram: The first part of it is just measuring my uterus and ovaries (which were very clear for her to see, thanks to me following directions and drinking all that water!). But then she shows us where the baby is!! It looks like a grain of rice in the picture (there's a little white hand pointing to it, just in case you're having trouble spotting it). And she showed us where the heart was beating...it was so fast!! I had to hold my breath while she calculated how many beats per minute the baby had. FYI...150 beats per minute. The only downfall of the sonogram is that I'm not as far along as I thought. Based on the date of my last period, I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow with a due date of July 18. Based on this sonogram, I'm 7 weeks, 4 days with a due date of July 27. I'm so confused!! :) The only reason I care so much is because I really want to get past this first trimester because that's when all the crazy stuff happens and there are so many restrictions.
The other part of the visit was meeting with my doctor's nurse, answering questions, and getting a big bag of free stuff. :) Who doesn't love that? Then I was sent to the lab to do a urine sample and have blood taken. Let me just say, I do not think guys understand how not fun urine samples are. I hate them!! It's such a potential mess!! But when I went to have the blood taken, there on the table, the lab technician has like 5 test tubes sitting there!! So she just attaches a needle with a tube on it into my arm and keeps switching out tubes. FYI...I don't enjoy blood being taken out all that much. :)
My next appointment is December 31. We're supposed to be able to hear the heartbeat at this visit, plus I'll actually see my doctor that time. :) Hope you enjoyed reading all this!