Today was another doctor's appointment, combined with a sonogram. We also got to do the 4D sonogram and I have several pictures from that. It was very cool to see what her features are looking like. I've posted my two favorite pictures from today. Check out those sweet little juicy lips in the sepia colored picture! :) Oh, and I was able to see the glowing lines that everyone has told me about that prove she's a girl! :)
We also went today and put a crib and a glider rocker on layaway at a store here in Longview. So yay! Maybe when she arrives she'll actually have a place to sleep. Haha.
In other "makes you feel inadequate" news, we went today and set up a registry at Target. Wow. I feel like I'm picking out all of this stuff, but I have no clue what I'm doing! I hope that's how everyone feels with their first baby. Even in my experience babysitting and with the stuff I know about babies, I still feel slightly overwhelmed. Like when we registered for our wedding, I pretty much knew what I was doing. I mean, how hard is it to pick out a toaster or a blender? And if we forgot something on our wedding registry, we're both adults and could either do without it or just get it at the store whenever. This is a registry for another person! A person we know nothing about, who is not the same as an adult. Requires different stuff for her care, never mind the fact that she's coming into this world with nothing and needs EVERYTHING!! I guess I'll just be praying that Karys is a patient little girl and doesn't mind going through a little trial and error with me. :) I guess it's like my mom told me: Don't worry about not knowing how to be a parent. You're baby doesn't know how to be a baby either.
Don't forget to tell me how precious you think my baby girl is! ;) Haha!