Karys is really almost 15 1/2 months old, but it's occurred to me over the last couple of days that she's doing so much stuff now, and you'll just love it! :) Some new things she can do:
* Give hugs--as shown in these cute pictures with her puppy. This puppy dog was given to me by a school co-worker and I put it away when she was little and just remembered it a couple of weeks ago. He is a huge hit!! Karys loves him so much! :)

* Eats like a champ!! So much so, that today she decided she REALLY loves her milk! She was hugging all over her milk cup. :)
* Gets into things she's not supposed to (while Mommy takes her picture!)
* Grabs her puppy whenever I come to get her out of bed, carries him, and hugs all over him!
* Has learned some new animal sounds:
- Cow (she says, "Mmmm"
- Sheep (she says, "Aaaaa"
- Dog (she makes a whimper-type sound)
- Snake (she can make a "hiss" sound)
(The cow, sheep, and dog she can remember on her own and just has to be asked what they say! :)
* Knows where her eye is. Ryan taught her this one, because she kept trying to poke his eye, so he taught her, "Where's Daddy's eye? Where's Karys's eye?"
* Can "flap her arms like a chicken" with Elmo! Ryan taught her this one too. Usually, she'll do it with both hands, but she couldn't drop the puppy!!
* Can play pretend. She watched me pretend to drink out of a cup, and now she can do it too! She makes a smacking sound, which was basically what I was doing, while holding the cup to her face. :)
*She can also follow the directions of "sit down, stand up", but I couldn't get it on video today! :)