This is what happened today. She was asleep somewhere around 1ish and woke up around 3 with her dirty diaper. I went in and changed her and put her back in bed. Obviously she stayed awake the rest of the time. When I went in to get her at 4, the first thing I noticed was one of her socks on the floor outside of her crib. This isn't all that unusual. I actually had to look at her for a second before I realized SHE TOOK HER SHIRT OFF!!!! :) Once I realized that, I started laughing hysterically and called Ryan in to see her. He didn't find it as humorous as I did, but apparently he was trying to decide if I was laughing because I realized that I had forgotten to put her shirt on her or if she had taken it off herself. But it was hilarious to me!! :)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
And THIS is what happens.... :)
...When Karys has to spend extra time in her bed because she wakes up from nap too early!! :)
Let me give just a little bit of explanation. This week I've been trying to start eliminating the morning nap from our routine. She was getting to the point that she would either just play in bed for an hour, or she might actually sleep which would mean she wouldn't sleep as long in the afternoon. So I've been putting her down for one nap somewhere between 12:30 and 1:00 with the idea that nap time isn't "over" until 4:00. The only problem I've had is that she has a tendency to "do her business" during naptime, unfortunately. It's not cool because it always wakes her up. So on a day that she's only taken one nap, if she goes to sleep at 1 and wakes up at 2:30 because her diaper's dirty, that's totally not enough sleep for her!! So I'll go in and change her quickly, and put her back into bed knowing that there's like a 90% chance she's not going back to sleep. But at least she'll have had a "rest time" if nothing else.
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About Me
- Janette
- I've been a wife for over seven years, a mommy of one for 2 and a half years, and a mommy of two as of 12/28/10! :) I married Ryan on July 26, 2003. We always said we wanted to have kids sometime around our fifth anniversary. The closer that time came, the more we started thinking we still needed another year. However, God held us to our original plan because Karys Elizabeth was born July 30, 2008...4 days after our 5th anniversary. :) I quit my job teaching kindergarten to take on the much more rewarding "career" of stay-at-home mom. There are some days that are hard, but I love it just the same. God surprised us again in May 2010 when we found out we were having baby #2. I went through the entire pregnancy expecting him to go past his January 9, 2011 due date since his sister was overdue. However, Zane Elliott surprised us by making his debut on December 28, 2010, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Now that we have "one of each" we could be "done" with our family, but hopefully that won't be the case. :)