I never seem to be able to make myself get on here and post. The truth is, as a kid I really enjoyed writing and as I grew older I still thought it was fun. As an adult, I still like it, but I guess not enough to make significant time for it. Plus, I don't always feel like I have anything interesting to say!!
I've been really debating writing a blog about my life and things I've been thinking lately and convictions I've had. Why the debate? Because I'm terrible with confrontation!!! There's a definite reason I wasn't interested in the debate team in high school! I'm terrible at arguing (I usually just back off and surrender), and I never want people to be made at me.
While all of those things are still true, I'm choosing to say what I'm really thinking and feeling, even if others don't agree with me. I feel like God has really been teaching me some things and I want to share those things. Maybe what I'm learning will make a difference to you, maybe it won't.
First off, weight loss. Zane is now 9 months old. I've been "trying to lose weight" for 9 months now, people!! When he was born, I was DETERMINED not to make the mistakes I made after Karys was born. After she was born I worked out, but definitely did not eat as well as I should have. I remember when she was about 6 months old thinking, "Maybe I'm just going to be this size forever." Then about a month after that, a friend started doing Weight Watchers and when I saw her having success, I had an "Aha!" moment where I realized that if I made some changes in what I ate and continuted with the exercising, I could have that success too. So when she was about 8 months old, I really started working toward weight loss. Sometimes I did really good, other times not. Overall, I lost about 25 lbs. Fast forward to 3 months before I found out I was pregnant with Zane. I was stuck in my weight loss efforts and realized that I relied on sweets and desserts WAY too much! They were on my mind a lot more than they needed to be so I made the decision to cut them out completely. I did this for 3 WHOLE MONTHS!! I've never gone that long without candy, cookies, ice cream, etc. in my LIFE!! But then I found out I was pregnant, which for me is almost a license to eat. :) So fast forward again to Zane being born. I was a lot more conscious once he was born about the fact that I didn't want to have a nonchalant attitude about getting back into my regular clothes...I wanted back in them ASAP!! I've been trying (without a lot of success until recently) to get back into those old clothes. Then a little over a month ago I realized that the sweets were causing me to sabotage myself. It really does no good to work out if you're just going to eat tons of ice cream later that day!! It kind of all cancels itself out. Basically my workouts were just helping me maintain my current weight. So I decided to give it up again. This time I haven't been quite as strict, but I'm still pretty strict. I've had a couple of sugar-sweetened sodas (which I didn't have last time I did this) because drinking a soda is not going to cause me to binge and give it all up. When we have our MOPS meetings (where we get to enjoy amazing breakfasts!!) I'll eat donut holes or other sugary things because, again, eating a donut hole is not going to make me run out and buy a container of ice cream. So after giving up the sweets, I realized that there was another thing causing me not to lose weight: fast food. I was picking up takeout at least once a week, especially on the weekends. And it would cause me to feel like I'd wasted a week of working out and eating well when I'd step on the scale on Monday morning only to see I'd either: a) not lost any weight or b) gained weight. It was because of all the sodium that's in fried food (and probably the fat too!) because it'd make me retain water. Feeling like you've done a good job all week, only to not see your efforts rewarded in weight loss can be depressing! So out went the fast food, too. And in my first week of doing that, I dropped 2.5 lbs.! Talk about motivation!
Through this experience I've really been feeling like I need to be doing what I can to honor God with my body. I was not created to be a sluggish, fat-filled being who sits on the couch eating and watching TV. That doesn't do anything to show God to people in their lives. Living with discipline honors God. I'm not sure how or when I'll add sweets or fast food back into my life. I'm a little scared to add sweets in because I feel like I'm probably a sugar addict and when I give myself a little, I just want more and more. Sometimes I wonder if, like a recovering alcoholic or drug addict, if I'm supposed to cut those things out of my life completely because I can't handle it correctly when those things are in my life. That thought makes me nervous!! What would life be like not eating cake at people's birthday parties (which I've already done!) or not enjoying ice cream out with friends (which I've already done!)? Hmm...
Another thing that I love and have cut out of my life (at least for now)? "Dancing with the Stars." I had so many conflicting feelings about this one!! If you know me, you know how much I love this show!! I don't even care if I don't like any of the stars on the show. Once the season gets started, I end up liking certain contestants even if I'd never heard of them before the season started (which is usually true of the athletes!). Once the stars for this season were announced, though, I was conflicted. I could not decide if I should watch the show because of Chaz Bono being one of the celebrities. I heard lots of backlash on TV about Chaz being on the show. The group, One Million Moms, was telling people not to watch the show because we shouldn't have to explain "transgender" to our young kids. People were accusing ABC of supporting the LBGT agenda by having Chaz on the show. Other people were accusing One Million Moms of being a hate group for speaking out against Chaz. Here's what I was feeling: for Chastity Bono to decide that God made her incorrectly and therefore it was up to her to fix the problem, becoming Chaz Bono seemed to me to be like a slap in God's face. Now, I know that homosexual people have been on DWTS before and I've still watched it but for some reason, the whole transgender thing wasn't sitting well with me. I do believe that homosexuality is a sin as well (the Bible clearly speaks about this), but this time I just really felt unsure. I was asking so many different trusted friends for their thoughts and opinions on whether or not watching DWTS this season was saying that I support people being transgender or not. And finally, the decision I came to (for me), was that if I was having to ask around so much it seemed like I was trying to justify something that didn't quite feel right in my heart. So I decided to listen to my conscience and do what seemed right for me and not watch the show this season. And trust me, it's been HARD!!! I see updates when I watch "Good Morning America" but I have to remember what is more important on this earth and that's following my convictions and living for Jesus. So that's what I'm trying to do. :)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Zane: A 6-Month Summary
I'm not good at blogging about my kids' development monthly like some people are. Maybe I'd like to be, but oh well. We took Zane today for his six-month well-check and it seems like a good time to fill everyone in on what I think you should know about this cute little guy.
First things first...results from our doctor's appointment.
Weight: 21.2 lbs. (94th percentile)
Height: 27.75 inches (88th percentile)
I don't have Karys's height and weight from this age in front of me right now (and since both kids are napping, I don't want to go get it out of their room!) but if my memory serves me correctly, she was 15 lbs. some-odd ounces at 6 months. I don't remember her height, though. So, obviously he's considerably bigger. :) Oh, and he's only 3 lbs. less than she is...as in, right now!! :)
He is still wearing 6-9 mo. clothes, although some of them are starting to get a little snug. The crazy part is that whenever we run out of diapers, we're going to be buying size 4 next time!!! Karys probably started wearing a 4 sometime between 18 mos. and 2!!
Okay, there's more to know about Zane than just what size he is. Here's some things I'd like you to know.
*He loves his sister. And she feels the same way about him. He laughs so much at the silly things she does for him and whenever I put him in his high chair to feed him, she'll bring him toys to play with while I'm getting his food ready.
*He sits up by himself! He just started that about 2 weeks ago and has really gotten it mastered. One of my friends told me that she thinks the bigger babies learn to sit earlier because they have a more supportive base with their bigger bellies. :) The doctor told me today that there is truth to that, but the bigger babies are also slower to crawl because they have more to move around. :)
*I like to call him "Zany Man." And I do it so much that Karys calls him that most of the time, and Ryan's starting to say it too.
*He's such a pleasant baby. He's really not fussy, unless he's tired. He's so content--he loves to sit with his toys and play or just observe what's going on around him.
*He'll eat whatever you'll give him. :) So far he's had cereal, avacado, applesauce, banana, and green beans.
*He can be reserved with his smiles, but Karys can get great smiles from him all the time and I can get them most of the time. :)
*He takes a great afternoon nap, which makes it so great for me!! He'll take a nap for about an hour in the morning, but then in the afternoon he'll nap for about 2 1/2 hours (and it coincides with Karys's naptime!). I learned that if I try to wake him up from the afternoon nap (so that he'd feed on an every 3-hour schedule), he'd just fall right back asleep. But if I let him nap pretty much as long as he wants, we're good!
*He sleeps really well at night! I've been trying to keep him from taking a short catnap in the late evening (usually a 30-minute nap around 7:00) and then just feed him around 8 so he'll fall asleep and go straight to bed. He'll usually sleep until after 7 the next day. And if he wakes up in the 6:00 hour, I can put him in the swing and he'll go back to sleep for me.
*Most important thing for you to know: I don't know what I'd do without my little man!! :)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
She's A Witty One! :)
If I don't write this down right now I'm going to forget it and then I'll be sad that I never remembered to share my funny Karys stories. :) Both of these stories happened today...she must've been in a really good mood and was feeling quite witty!
I learned from a wise friend that the best time to fix a little girl's hair is while she is eating breakfast. So this morning I was trying a new style on her and it required 3 rubber bands. I had them sitting on the kitchen table and Karys picked one of them up and was playing with it. When the time came that I needed it I was holding her ponytail in my hand and the rubber band was nowhere in sight. Slightly irritated by this, I looked around the table saying, "Aarrgh, Karys, why do you always do this to me?" She was looking around the table trying to find the rubber band too and then said, "Under table." Now I was even more irritated because I had to let go of her ponytail to get down on the floor and look for the rubber band. I'm looking around and getting really aggravated because the rubber band is nowhere to be found which means I'll have to go back to the bathroom to get another one. At the time that I stand up to go get another one, my witty child holds up this rubber band in her hand! While I can't remember exactly what she said, it was something to the effect of, "Look, Mommy!" She'd had it the whole time!! Not only that, she knew exactly what she was doing because then she said, "Funny!" :)
The second story happened at my sister-in-law's house. She has a basket of school supplies on her kitchen table and Karys found an Elmer's glue bottle in it and pulled it out. I told her to put it back and she looked at the bottle and said something I didn't understand. I told her that was "glue" and I thought she tried to repeat me, but didn't get it right. So I drew the word out so she could hear all the sounds, "Gllllluuuuuue." To which she goes, "Cooowwwwww." :) She had been pointing the cow on the Elmer's glue bottle, not the actual glue bottle itself! :) It really cracked me up!
I learned from a wise friend that the best time to fix a little girl's hair is while she is eating breakfast. So this morning I was trying a new style on her and it required 3 rubber bands. I had them sitting on the kitchen table and Karys picked one of them up and was playing with it. When the time came that I needed it I was holding her ponytail in my hand and the rubber band was nowhere in sight. Slightly irritated by this, I looked around the table saying, "Aarrgh, Karys, why do you always do this to me?" She was looking around the table trying to find the rubber band too and then said, "Under table." Now I was even more irritated because I had to let go of her ponytail to get down on the floor and look for the rubber band. I'm looking around and getting really aggravated because the rubber band is nowhere to be found which means I'll have to go back to the bathroom to get another one. At the time that I stand up to go get another one, my witty child holds up this rubber band in her hand! While I can't remember exactly what she said, it was something to the effect of, "Look, Mommy!" She'd had it the whole time!! Not only that, she knew exactly what she was doing because then she said, "Funny!" :)
The second story happened at my sister-in-law's house. She has a basket of school supplies on her kitchen table and Karys found an Elmer's glue bottle in it and pulled it out. I told her to put it back and she looked at the bottle and said something I didn't understand. I told her that was "glue" and I thought she tried to repeat me, but didn't get it right. So I drew the word out so she could hear all the sounds, "Gllllluuuuuue." To which she goes, "Cooowwwwww." :) She had been pointing the cow on the Elmer's glue bottle, not the actual glue bottle itself! :) It really cracked me up!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
"Yo, Elmo!"
Hopefully this story will translate well since it's being written and it won't make my child sound like a brat! :) We've been working with Karys lately on how to ask for things properly, partly based on the story you're about to read. For anyone that doesn't know, Karys is being seen by a speech therapist for some speech delays. One of the things she can't do is repeat after you if you use too many words. For example, if I tell her to say, "May I watch Elmo, please?" she'll say, "Elmo, please!" So I've been shortening it and having her repeat, "May I," "watch," "Elmo, please." and now she remembers it all and can say it by herself. We just started having her say this much because I used to accept her just saying, "Elmo, please." Or, "Juice, please." So here's the funny story:
There have been a couple of occasions where Karys wants something and when she decides she wants something she will not give up on it. Usually she just repeats herself over and over, even if I've said no or not now. So on this particular occasion she wanted to watch Elmo. So she said, "Elmo, please." I think I just ignored it at first so she kept saying, "Elmo, please. Elmo, please." I probably finally said, "No, not right now." But still, she kept going: "Elmo, please. Elmo, please." And when she didn't get the response from me she wanted she goes, "Yo! Elmo!" (If this makes her sound bratty, it's not meant to...it was totally hilarious!!) I really have no idea where she got the word, "Yo!" but it cracked me up. Although after thinking about it for awhile, I have one place where she might have gotten it. If you don't watch "Sesame Street" daily like we do, you might not know about a new segment they have called "Murray Had A Little Lamb." There is an orange monster on "Sesame Street" now whose name is Murray and sometimes he and his little lamb go and visit different schools (ex. karate school, ballet school, etc.) and the segment has a theme song. It starts out singing, "Murray has a little lamb..." to the tune of "Mary Had A Little Lamb," then breaks out into a rap that goes, "Yo! Murray has a little lamb who wears a little bow..." That's the only place I can think of where she would've heard someone say "Yo!"
*Disclaimer: She does not get what she wants for saying, "Yo! Elmo!" just in case you thought I might let her have anything she wanted for being cute/funny. :)
*Second Disclaimer: This story was intended to make you smile/laugh. Hopefully it did that and nothing more. :)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Schedule vs. Routine
...And then came Zane. I really tried to set him on a schedule like I did with Karys. I REALLY did. By 8 weeks, when he was still getting up at 1, sometimes 2, times a night, I was discouraged. I kept hearing of friends with babies around his age (or younger) who were already sleeping such long hours at night. And I gotta say, I was envious. But still, I pressed on, attempting to follow the schedule I had set in my head. And then, one night when he was about 3 months, he slept...ALL NIGHT! And then he did it another night! And then...another night! It might've taken him an extra month from what it took his sister to start sleeping through the night, but he did it! And he might not eat at exactly the same time every day, but he does eat at approximate times. I've always followed the "Babywise" strategy of "Eat. Play. Sleep." in that order and so I'm learning that it's less important to follow what time it is as it is to set up a predicable routine. He does things in the same order every day...but not the same time. And it's working for us. He's a sweet boy who's really never fussy unless he's tired. He eats well (obviously!) and when he's sleeping, he's the most peaceful baby.
So this schedule-oriented mommy, who loves knowing what time things are going to happen has had to mellow out. Big time. But I can't become a better mommy unless I'm willing to bend when needed. Thank you, Zane, for teaching me how to adjust. :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Everyone's probably going to get tired of me talking about this, but I just can't believe the extreme opposites I have in children! Zane is very big for his age (not just weight, but length as well) and Karys is just not! Granted, she hasn't always been quite the featherweight that she is now, but still. At 3 months Zane is about the size (perhaps bigger!) that Karys was at 6 months. I know for sure that at 3 months Karys still fit into 0-3 month clothes, although there were some 3-6 month things I started pulling out because I wanted to have her wear them and I was ready for a change in clothes! She wore 3-6 month clothes until she was about 8 months, I believe, and then moved into 6-9 month clothes which she wore past the age of 1!
Zane, on the other hand, moved out of 0-3 month clothes at about 6 weeks and now at 3 months, he's getting close to moving out of 3-6 month clothes!! He has a few 3-6 month outfits that just really don't fit him anymore at all!! Just to show the difference (I'm not sure how well you can tell it just from pictures) here's a picture of Karys sitting on a couch at 3 months and Zane sitting on a couch at 3 months. Hopefully you'll be able to see what I'm trying to show...he's SO BIG and she's SO LITTLE. :)

Two Thumb Suckers!
It appears that both of my kids are going to be thumb-suckers. Obviously Karys has been ever since she was 3 months old. But Zane started it as well last month and seems like he will continue it. Thankfully it's not something that bothers me!! Now that I go back and look at the pictures, it appears that Karys was a little less than 3 months when she started thumb sucking. So I guess they were both about 2 1/2 mos. when they started it. Either way, here's a picture of Karys in her early thumb-sucking days:
And here's Zane:
I have to admit I think a thumb-sucking baby is one of the cutest things ever!! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I Have A Good Excuse...
...for not posting anything lately. I haven't had batteries in the camera to be able to take any pictures! :) Ryan prefers using rechargeable batteries but every time I want to put them in the camera they're not charged, so while I was at Target yesterday I chose to buy some regular batteries so I can get some pictures taken!
And since I was scouring clearance items at Target, I found this shirt for the Elmo lover in our house for only $2!! Doesn't she look so happy wearing it? :)
We've had a little bit of craziness going on at our house lately. Although at this point, I think things are pretty much back to normal. A couple of weeks ago, Zane developed a cough. The first day it wasn't that bad, but it got progressively worse. He developed the cough on a Thursday and that evening we headed out of town to spend the weekend at my parents' house. It ended up being really good to be with so many other people because we had a lot of help with our sweet little sick baby. Every time he was fed you just had to sit with him with burp rags nearby because he was going to cough so hard that it gagged him and he threw up. It was a pretty difficult weekend. On Monday I was able to get an appointment with our doctor (which was pretty remarkable in itself...usually the day I call she's booked up and I have to see whoever is available). They did a swab on him for the flu and RSV. His flu test came back negative, but he did come back positive for RSV. We were given prescriptions for breathing treatment meds and a cough medicine. Those first few days I felt a little overwhelmed trying to keep up with everything I was supposed to do for him: breathing treatments 3 times a day, cough medicine 4 times a day, give him PediaLyte between feedings to help loosen up congestion, remember to feed him in the first place!!!...just lots to do and remember. But he gradually started getting better and although he still has some lingering congestion every once in a while, we're pretty much back to normal.
Here are some new pics that I took today (now that I have batteries for the camera :)
We started putting Zane in the Bumbo seat a few days ago because his head control has gotten really good, and the strength in his upper back is really good. I wanted to take his picture looking really happy in his seat, but it turned out more like this: 
I saw this shirt Zane is wearing a while back at Target and thought it was so cute. Ryan's always using the word "rad" and it just seemed like Zane needed this shirt. But since it really wasn't necessary, I didn't buy it at the time. However, yesterday it was on clearance so it suddenly became worth it to me. :)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
"Video, Please!"
This story is too long to post as a facebook status but it's too cute not to be shared so here goes. This morning I figured out the best way to workout: get Karys to do it with me. :) I moved the furniture around in the living room to get myself set up to do a Biggest Loser workout video and told Karys we were going to do this together. I even pulled out my 2-lb. weights for her and told her those were her weights. As the video went on, she stood next to me and tried to do what they were doing. After awhile she got tired of that and sat on the couch watching me for the rest of the time.
After her nap and all evening she'd periodically ask me, "Video, please?" I didn't even realize she knew what the word "video" meant since I usually call them "movies" but I kept telling her she could watch a video after she ate dinner. After dinner, she enthusiastically asked, "Video, please?" I asked her what video she wanted to watch and she went to our entertainment center and pointed to one of the doors that holds DVDs. I opened it and saw that her VeggieTales SweetPea video was in there so I held it up and asked if she wanted to watch it. She told me no. I looked down in the cabinet again and saw the cover for the Biggest Loser video we did this morning. I held it up and asked if that was what she was talking about and she told me, "Yay, video!" :) I told her she didn't really want to watch that. :)
Second cute story: The last few nights Karys has been difficult getting to bed at night. I don't understand what it is because she's not taking naps that are very long but she lays in bed for the longest time and doesn't fall asleep until after 10! She's also been crying when I leave the room and telling me, "Rock." Now keep in mind I sit in her room and rock her for a good 10 minutes or so before putting her in her bed. A few times I've fallen for the tears and rocked her a second time, but tonight I told her that I was going to rock her and whenever I put her in bed she wasn't going to cry. It didn't really work...but I didn't cave and rock her a second time! She cried at the door for a few minutes, saying, "Rock!" and we'd periodically hear a few tears. One time Ryan went in to tell her to quit kicking the wall and she told him, "Rock!" So about 45 minutes after this all began I went back into her room to put Zane in his bed. When I walked in, I heard her say, "Rock!" I looked over at her bed expecting to see her laying there but then I caught her silhouette sitting in the rocking chair rocking herself! :) I just died laughing!! It's like she was thinking, "Fine. If you won't rock me, I'll just do it myself."
After her nap and all evening she'd periodically ask me, "Video, please?" I didn't even realize she knew what the word "video" meant since I usually call them "movies" but I kept telling her she could watch a video after she ate dinner. After dinner, she enthusiastically asked, "Video, please?" I asked her what video she wanted to watch and she went to our entertainment center and pointed to one of the doors that holds DVDs. I opened it and saw that her VeggieTales SweetPea video was in there so I held it up and asked if she wanted to watch it. She told me no. I looked down in the cabinet again and saw the cover for the Biggest Loser video we did this morning. I held it up and asked if that was what she was talking about and she told me, "Yay, video!" :) I told her she didn't really want to watch that. :)
Second cute story: The last few nights Karys has been difficult getting to bed at night. I don't understand what it is because she's not taking naps that are very long but she lays in bed for the longest time and doesn't fall asleep until after 10! She's also been crying when I leave the room and telling me, "Rock." Now keep in mind I sit in her room and rock her for a good 10 minutes or so before putting her in her bed. A few times I've fallen for the tears and rocked her a second time, but tonight I told her that I was going to rock her and whenever I put her in bed she wasn't going to cry. It didn't really work...but I didn't cave and rock her a second time! She cried at the door for a few minutes, saying, "Rock!" and we'd periodically hear a few tears. One time Ryan went in to tell her to quit kicking the wall and she told him, "Rock!" So about 45 minutes after this all began I went back into her room to put Zane in his bed. When I walked in, I heard her say, "Rock!" I looked over at her bed expecting to see her laying there but then I caught her silhouette sitting in the rocking chair rocking herself! :) I just died laughing!! It's like she was thinking, "Fine. If you won't rock me, I'll just do it myself."
Saturday, February 12, 2011
To Sleep or Not To Sleep... :)
That's the question I'm asking these days!! I'm starting to wonder if Zane will ever be a good sleeper. :) Poor guy...he just gets so hungry!! This kid is an eating MACHINE!! It's so interesting to see how different he is from his sister. Just today I fixed him a 5-ounce bottle because he consistently doesn't make it 3 hours from one feeding to another. 5 ounces!! He's only 6 weeks old!! :) Oh well, he seemed to be happy with it! It will be interesting to see how that translates tonight...will we get more sleep at once, or won't we? I remembered that at this point Karys was sleeping so well--almost through the night. I went back and found this post that proves what I remembered. Zane still gets up twice in the night. For example, last night he ate at 10:00 and then woke up to eat at 2:15 and then again at 5:45. It's starting to get exhausting!! :) However, with all that said, I'm so thankful for this sweet baby boy and I'm trying to slow down with him more than I did with Karys and really cherish every day, every stage, all of it. He's such a sweet boy. :)
BUT the hard part is that with our house being as small as it is, I don't really have a good place for him to be where I can let him cry a little bit to see if he's actually hungry or just waking up out of habit. If I leave him in his and Karys's room he'll wake her up, but even if I just leave him in the living room we're all in such close proximity to each other that he'll bother everyone!! Oh well, everyone sleeps through the night eventually, right?? ;)
Just a couple of cute pics:
The other day he woke up early from his nap SCREAMING so I finished out his naptime cuddling with him. I guess it could be worse. ;)
Karys loves her baby brother. She's never really asked to hold him, but she does love kissing on him and giving him toys of hers to play with. But on this day I offered to let her hold him and she decided she wanted to. :)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Birth and 2 Week Pictures
For those asking me if Zane looks like Karys did as a baby, I thought I'd post a couple of pictures of the two of them so you can do your own comparisons. First, a picture from birth:
And now at two weeks:
(Neither of these pictures were taken at exactly two weeks, but close enough. The picture of Karys is one of my least favorites, honestly, but she does kind of resemble Zane which is why I'm showing it!)
2 Weeks Comparison
I'm going to basically copy an idea that my friend, Amy, does on her blog. At least I'll do it for this post!! As her kids are growing up, she blogs about the different things they are learning to do each month. I neglected to do that for Karys and will probably regret it one day, but hopefully I can get it going for Zane! I thought in this post I'd list out some of the things we're learning about him, but also compare what life is like at 2 weeks with Zane versus what I remember it being like with Karys.
Zane had his two-week check-up at the doctor yesterday and things are looking good! When he was 6 days old we went back up to the hospital for a weight check. When he was born, he weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. When we were discharged from the hospital, he weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. At 6 days, he weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. Here's how things stacked up yesterday:
Weight: 8 lbs. 6 oz. (43rd percentile)
Height: 21 inches (60th percentile)
Head: 14.25 inches (29th percentile)
Now to compare that to his big sister. He started out basically a pound heavier than her at birth. She was 7 lbs. and 20 inches at birth. At two weeks, she looked like this:
Weight: 7 lbs. 6 oz. (20th percentile)...notice, still exactly a pound difference!
Height: 20.75 inches (66th percentile)
Head: 14 inches (38th percentile)
I know that they are on different charts since he's a boy and she's a girl, but it's interesting to see the differences.
At two weeks, here are some things I've learned about Zane:
--He is a snuggler!! Karys was absolutely not that way. She tolerated being held but she had too many important things to do to spend time snuggling. :) She's still that way. ;)
--He sleeps best when he is swaddled. The first day we were home I tried laying him down in bed and after about 5 minutes he was screaming!! Then I read Amy's blog and saw that her baby really liked being swaddled because her startle reflex was so sensitive. This seemed to be his problem too so I found a swaddler that a former co-worker had passed on to me when I was pregnant with Karys and we've all been in love with it ever since! (Karys did not want to be swaddled as a baby...again, she had to many things to do to be restrained in any way!!)
--One thing Karys definitely had on Zane was she was an awesome nighttime sleeper! I remember at her two-week appointment telling the doctor I had been waking her up every three hours for feedings and wondered when I could quit doing that overnight. I remember her telling me that I could just let her go, but no longer than 5 hours at a time. So at two weeks Karys and I were only getting up once in the night. At two weeks with Zane, we're getting up 2 or even 3 times in the night. Hopefully that will be gone soon!!
--I'm still tweaking Zane's schedule. It's crazy how I felt like I knew what I would do with his schedule before he was born, but now that he's here, I feel like, "What do I do??" :) He seems to LOVE to eat so I'm still playing around with how much to feed him and how often. Today we're going to try 3 1/2 oz. every 3 hours. We'll see how that goes! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to nurse again this time. I did it for like 4 or 5 days and then when I realized that I had the same super-low milk suppy I had with Karys I decided I couldn't deal with the emotions that come with that. It's a real bummer because Zane was an awesome nurser (which his sister never was!) but for some reason my body doesn't want to do what it's supposed to!
--Zane will get to take a tub bath soon!! During the night last night I changed his diaper and realized his umbilical cord stump had fallen off...yay!! As soon as it heals up completely, we'll be all about submersion! :)
I am absolutely loving having a baby in the house again. Even in spite of the lack of sleep. :) I know it will just continue to get more fun. :)
Zane had his two-week check-up at the doctor yesterday and things are looking good! When he was 6 days old we went back up to the hospital for a weight check. When he was born, he weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. When we were discharged from the hospital, he weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. At 6 days, he weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. Here's how things stacked up yesterday:
Weight: 8 lbs. 6 oz. (43rd percentile)
Height: 21 inches (60th percentile)
Head: 14.25 inches (29th percentile)
Now to compare that to his big sister. He started out basically a pound heavier than her at birth. She was 7 lbs. and 20 inches at birth. At two weeks, she looked like this:
Weight: 7 lbs. 6 oz. (20th percentile)...notice, still exactly a pound difference!
Height: 20.75 inches (66th percentile)
Head: 14 inches (38th percentile)
I know that they are on different charts since he's a boy and she's a girl, but it's interesting to see the differences.
At two weeks, here are some things I've learned about Zane:
--He is a snuggler!! Karys was absolutely not that way. She tolerated being held but she had too many important things to do to spend time snuggling. :) She's still that way. ;)
--He sleeps best when he is swaddled. The first day we were home I tried laying him down in bed and after about 5 minutes he was screaming!! Then I read Amy's blog and saw that her baby really liked being swaddled because her startle reflex was so sensitive. This seemed to be his problem too so I found a swaddler that a former co-worker had passed on to me when I was pregnant with Karys and we've all been in love with it ever since! (Karys did not want to be swaddled as a baby...again, she had to many things to do to be restrained in any way!!)
--One thing Karys definitely had on Zane was she was an awesome nighttime sleeper! I remember at her two-week appointment telling the doctor I had been waking her up every three hours for feedings and wondered when I could quit doing that overnight. I remember her telling me that I could just let her go, but no longer than 5 hours at a time. So at two weeks Karys and I were only getting up once in the night. At two weeks with Zane, we're getting up 2 or even 3 times in the night. Hopefully that will be gone soon!!
--I'm still tweaking Zane's schedule. It's crazy how I felt like I knew what I would do with his schedule before he was born, but now that he's here, I feel like, "What do I do??" :) He seems to LOVE to eat so I'm still playing around with how much to feed him and how often. Today we're going to try 3 1/2 oz. every 3 hours. We'll see how that goes! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to nurse again this time. I did it for like 4 or 5 days and then when I realized that I had the same super-low milk suppy I had with Karys I decided I couldn't deal with the emotions that come with that. It's a real bummer because Zane was an awesome nurser (which his sister never was!) but for some reason my body doesn't want to do what it's supposed to!
--Zane will get to take a tub bath soon!! During the night last night I changed his diaper and realized his umbilical cord stump had fallen off...yay!! As soon as it heals up completely, we'll be all about submersion! :)
I am absolutely loving having a baby in the house again. Even in spite of the lack of sleep. :) I know it will just continue to get more fun. :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Zane Elliott Magan, 12-28-2010
It might take me all day to get this finished, but I'm determined to blog about Zane's birth story! :) First of all, in case you were keeping track my due date was January 9, 2011. And as you can see above, Zane was born on the 28th...12 days early!!! Believe me when I say, I was as shocked as anyone!! If you're ready for a story, keep reading. :)
On Monday the 27th, I had my 38 week check-up with my doctor. When she walked in the room she said, "Are we having a baby today?" To which I said I didn't think so. But I was glad that I was feeling better than I had on Christmas Day. I spent most of that day with Braxton Hicks contractions that just came and stayed. I was so cramped up most of the day...not fun at all!! At that appointment when she checked me she said I was at 3 cm. which was exciting because the previous week I hadn't made any progress and was still at a 1. She then told me that she thought I would deliver sometime within the week. I tried not to get my hopes up too much because I've just been expecting the entire time to go late since Karys was late.
Later that day my parents came to get Karys and take her back to their house for a couple of nights. Since they were off from school on Christmas vacation this would be a fun time for them and her, plus it would give me and Ryan a chance to have a little time to ourselves before adding to our family. I had all these plans of fun stuff we could do...like go see a movie, go out to a restaurant childless, all that fun stuff. Monday night we did end up renting a movie so I guess at least we got to do something! :)
During the night Monday night I took a couple of potty breaks and when I got up I thought that I was feeling a little crampy. But I was able to go back to sleep so I didn't really think anything about it. Around 5:30 I woke up again and thought the cramping was coming at fairly regular intervals so I decided to start timing things. I still wasn't confident that this would mean anything because on my due date with Karys I woke up contracting and after a few hours of watching TV on the couch everything had subsided so I didn't get my hopes up too much this time. After 30 minutes of laying in bed I was tired of just staring at the clock and since I couldn't sleep I decided to get up and watch some TV. Actually the first thought that occurred to me was that I hadn't gotten a chance to paint my toenails like I'd wanted to and I figured if I got out of bed I could accomplish this (which I did). I also knew that if this turned out to be the real thing I wouldn't be allowed to eat anything once I got to the hospital so I decided to eat some breakfast. Around 7:30 Ryan woke up and asked me what I was doing and I told him I was timing things. At this point I also called my doctor's office to find out how I would know to go to the hospital. The on-call doctor told me to call my doctor back at 8:30 and ask the nurse if I could get in for my doctor to check me because that way if I wasn't making any progress she could just send me home and I wouldn't waste a trip to the hospital. I didn't end up getting to talk to anyone from my doctor's office until 9:30 but they told me I could come in right away. Since Ryan and I were expecting to get some things done last week without Karys we had to spend some time before we left for the doctor's packing up our bags for the hospital!!
When we got to the doctor's office, she walked in and said, "Are we having a baby today?" To which I told her I didn't know and I was hoping she could tell me! I told Ryan before she got in the room that I thought one of two things would happen. She'd either tell me I was still at a 3 and to go home and wait it out or if I was lucky I might be at a 4 or possibly a 5. So she checks me and says, "You're at a 6!!" Of course my first response was, "Are you serious?" And she told us that we needed to head straight for the hospital.
On our way to the hospital I called my parents and told them that apparently they didn't come get Karys so Ryan and I could have a break. Apparently they took her so we could have a baby! Once we got to the hospital they got me hooked up to the monitors and my IV to get 2 bags of fluid in me so I could get my epidural. This was around 10:30. My doctor came in around 12:15 p.m. and broke my water. Unfortunately there was about a 45 minute delay between this happening and the anesthesiologist being able to get in and give me the epidural. I had been feeling pretty good up to that point but those contractions were ROUGH!!! And then once the anesthesiologist got in there he had a million questions about family medical history and all I could think was, "Hurry!!" But once my epidural was in, things were good again. :)
The thing that amazed me this time around was how quickly things progressed. I dilated pretty quickly and the baby moved down fairly quickly too. We got to the hospital at 10:30 and he was born at 3:11 p.m. All in all, it was a really good experience! Here are his stats:
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Time: 3:11 p.m.
Weight: 8 lbs. 1 oz.
Length: 19 1/4 inches
So far I can tell that his nose and mouth are similar to Karys's but he really doesn't look like her that much. But he's a total cutie!! He's a really easy baby so far too. I've spent his first few nights sleeping with him but after reading that one of my friends has success getting her baby to sleep by swaddling her, I tried that today and it really seems to help! I'm looking forward to our life as a family of four. :)
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About Me
- Janette
- I've been a wife for over seven years, a mommy of one for 2 and a half years, and a mommy of two as of 12/28/10! :) I married Ryan on July 26, 2003. We always said we wanted to have kids sometime around our fifth anniversary. The closer that time came, the more we started thinking we still needed another year. However, God held us to our original plan because Karys Elizabeth was born July 30, 2008...4 days after our 5th anniversary. :) I quit my job teaching kindergarten to take on the much more rewarding "career" of stay-at-home mom. There are some days that are hard, but I love it just the same. God surprised us again in May 2010 when we found out we were having baby #2. I went through the entire pregnancy expecting him to go past his January 9, 2011 due date since his sister was overdue. However, Zane Elliott surprised us by making his debut on December 28, 2010, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Now that we have "one of each" we could be "done" with our family, but hopefully that won't be the case. :)