Tuesday, December 25, 2012

We love December!

Um, so...oops. I'm not very good at updating blog posts. Our December has been busy, as it usually is, but that's the fun of the Christmas season! Lots going on, but it's all fun!

In the middle of December, our church had its annual Christmas Program. The Kids Dept. leads the program and the preschoolers are the first ones to perform. Last year, Karys was much more reserved than she is this year. The day of the rehearsal for the program, when they learn how to come in to the sanctuary from the foyer and stand on the risers she cried and wouldn't do it, until one of her teachers stood by her. And on program night, she stood there like she was supposed to (and didn't cry), but she didn't sing. This year, on rehearsal day, she walked in with everyone just like she was supposed to and said her verse and sang just like she was supposed to! I was so proud of her! The fours and fives said a verse and sang a song. It was very impressive that they memorized such a long verse: Matthew 1:21, "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins." I know that she knows how to memorize verses because of Cubbies, but this was probably the longest one she's ever done! All the kids did so great! This is a video of her song, and then a picture of both kids in their Christmas outfits my friend, Alison, made. (Never mind, my video won't post. I'll try to get it to post to facebook. :)

A few days before Christmas we had a few of Karys's friends over for a mini-Christmas party. She had picked out a little gift for four of her friends so I wanted to get them to come over so she could give out her gifts. Everyone ended up bringing gifts, so the kids had fun exchanging them amongst each other.

Some of the unwrapping fun!

And what's a party without some goodies?! I made some Rice Krispie treats for everyone. :)

And today is the most fun day of all: Christmas! As I type this, it's actually SNOWING!! What?! Snowing, in Texas, on Christmas! Almost unheard of! :) Of course, this morning it was pouring down rain. And to go along with that, we got the kids lots of outdoor toys this year. So they couldn't play with them. Ironic, huh? We got them a really big Little Tikes playhouse with a slide (thank you, Craigslist!), and my parents got them a swingset. The swingset isn't set up yet, but the playhouse is. Poor Karys keeps asking if she can go outside and play in her playhouse. When I tell her it's too wet, she tells me that the roof will keep them dry. :)

Here's the kids digging into their stockings this morning

Both kids got flashlights in their stockings. Our kids are kind of obsessed with flashlights. :)

I asked my friend, Alison, to make Karys a pair of Hello Kitty pants (she's a little HK obsessed!) and she came up with the idea to also do a shirt (I kept Alison busy this Christmas season!). When Karys pulled the shirt out of the box, she said, "This is the best Hello Kitty shirt I've ever seen!" :) Here she is opening it and later wearing the outfit.

I LOVE the Christmas season! Without a doubt, this is my favorite time of the year. Jesus came to earth as a baby to save sinners. What a gift. Merry Christmas!

About Me

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I've been a wife for over seven years, a mommy of one for 2 and a half years, and a mommy of two as of 12/28/10! :) I married Ryan on July 26, 2003. We always said we wanted to have kids sometime around our fifth anniversary. The closer that time came, the more we started thinking we still needed another year. However, God held us to our original plan because Karys Elizabeth was born July 30, 2008...4 days after our 5th anniversary. :) I quit my job teaching kindergarten to take on the much more rewarding "career" of stay-at-home mom. There are some days that are hard, but I love it just the same. God surprised us again in May 2010 when we found out we were having baby #2. I went through the entire pregnancy expecting him to go past his January 9, 2011 due date since his sister was overdue. However, Zane Elliott surprised us by making his debut on December 28, 2010, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Now that we have "one of each" we could be "done" with our family, but hopefully that won't be the case. :)