People at work are starting to come up to me and say, "Ooh, you're starting to show!" So that tells me it's time to post a picture for everyone to see. I will be 15 weeks this Sunday and things are still great. I'm going to post 2 pictures...I'm not sure which one's more accurate. Somehow I'm able to make myself look bigger or smaller, so I'm not sure which one I look like most often!
Little side story: Today was our 100th day of school. We always have a celebration and do fun activities (for anyone that didn't realize this was a big deal!). This afternoon, two students from one of the first grade classrooms brought me a book their class had made: "100 Names for Mrs. Magan's Baby." They had a pink page with 50 girls' names and a blue page with 50 boys' names. I thought that was the sweetest thing ever and definitely something to treasure forever!
you are sooo cute! Thanks for posting the pics!
You look great! The earliest pic I have on the blog is from about 13 weeks and I was hardly showing, but I had been sick with a virus. If you look at my pics now, I'm certainly making up for it! I have my big ultrasound on Mon and I can't wait!tlvgn
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