Yesterday marked 38 weeks in this possibly 40-week journey. Nothing eventful yet. The emails I get from baby-gaga.com and babycenter.com each week that tell about what happens in the baby's development could both be summed up with the words: "There's really nothing new to tell you." :) I went to the doctor today and that was what I heard from her too (basically). I'm still at 1 cm. but 50% effaced. She still plans to see me next week. I'm starting to get anxious in all of this now. I just really want this to be over!! :) However, it would be better if she didn't come this week or this weekend because my friend is getting married Saturday and I'm supposed to be reading some Scripture during the ceremony! I wouldn't want to let her down. :)
Ryan and I have been kicking butt to get everything ready in our house. I'm so proud of all the stuff we've done! Saturday we got our garage cleaned out and organized. Unfortunately, I was the one to discover the "so dead that it was shriveled up and looked almost like a leaf" frog in the garage!! Ewww!! After Ryan went to work on Saturday I got our refrigerator cleaned out (as in, sprayed and wiped out the shelves and drawers). We've moved all of the stuff that was in the house but belonged in the attic up into the attic (okay, I guess WE didn't do that :) I was organizing the garage while he did that!) so now our bedroom and office actually look like rooms again! We installed our car seat last night so it's all ready whenever Karys decides to make her entrance. So I guess I will end by saying, "This is me patting myself on the back." :) Haha!
You look GREAT! I know you are SOOO ready. Hang in there...you are on the home stretch.
Looking good! Nesting huh? All that cleaning is good for you. You will be so glad you did it when Karys comes. I'll be in Houston beginning on Friday for several weeks at least, so maybe we can get together... Will you guys be coming down to show Karys off?
You look so cute! And, yay for accomplishing so much! Doesn't that feel good! Just remember, it's okay if you don't accomplish a stitch of anything for weeks on end once Karys gets here. Just feeding her, changing her and snuggling her will take all your free time for a while! :-)
Enjoy the last few weeks of just you and Ryan. It'll never be the same again! In a good way... mostly in a good way... :-)
She's almost here! It's exciting doing all that last minute nesting! You need to come over to our new house sometime before the baby comes. That would have to be pretty quick huh? I'll call or e-mail ya.
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