We started Karys on rice cereal yesterday. No real reason why yesterday was so important but I got the idea in my head and that made me want to do it. Plus I talked to the doctor's office the other day to ask a question and decided to ask about cereal--mainly just how much and how often. So I got my answers and yesterday was the day. This was my very first experience feeding a baby who has never had solids before. Quite the experience! :) With every bite she made this face of confusion/disgust. It was pretty funny! The doctor's office told me that I could mix the cereal together with formula, water, or juice and to make it runny because otherwise she wouldn't know what to do with it. So I mixed it with formula and a little bit of juice to add some sweet flavor to it. My question now is for all of you moms who have been here before: does it take time for her to like this or am I doing something wrong? She had cereal twice yesterday and twice today but it still seems like she's not too into it. Sometimes she more or less just spits it back out. Both times today she had some of it (and spit some of it back out) and then I had to stop because she started crying. With these feedings I give her some of her bottle, then put her in her chair for cereal, and then give her the rest of the bottle. With this evening's cereal feeding I even tried giving her a few sips of the bottle after a few bites of cereal. Any suggestions would be awesome!
Here are some pictures of this experience (taken at the first feeding yesterday):
Before any cereal

After the first bite

After a few bites

And this picture is just one I took the other day for cuteness purposes--she played herself to sleep!! :)
Janette, they always spit it back out and make funny faces! It takes a few days for them to figure out what they are supposed to do with it! Remember she has been drinking all of her meals up until now! She will get the hang of it and begin to not be such a messy eater before you know it....then everything goes into the mouth! Watch out!
Take this or leave it as you see fit: I would not add juice. Juice is highly over-rated (read up on that). Add water or formula. Also, I would not give her the bottle at all during feeding times. I usually nurse Jonas about 7am or so, then we eat as a family about 8:30. I nurse him before his nap around 10:30 and then he eats with us at lunch around noon. You get the idea. You want her to be hungry enough to be interested. If she knows the bottle is there--she'll want what she's used to. I think you will see a marked improvement once she gets the hang of things in a few days. Even after she gets used to it, there will be "missed meals" because she's grumpy, or tired, or not feeling well, or teething, etc. Don't push it if she's absolutely not having it. Happy eating!
Looks like you are doing a great job!
My only tips, in the beginning make it runny almost like lumpy water. She will think it is weird for a while. Sophie never liked rice cereal but loves oatmeal.
I never added juice just because our pedi said to try and not use juice unless constipated.
Just remember that rice cereal has no real value, it just really teaches them how to eat.
Also, it gets better! Just wait until you feed her real table food. I wish I could have a picture of Sophia trying avocado! Priceless! Though she loves mango!
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