Then, on Christmas Day she discovered how to roll over from her back to her tummy! She's been able to go to either side for a few weeks now, but has not been able to go all the way over. She was laying on her play gym and rolled up onto her side. Then she kind of swung one leg over the other. The arch from the gym was kind of a hinderance because she couldn't figure out how to get her arm out from under her because she didn't have room for it. But she finally got it! It was really exciting to watch her do something she hadn't been able to do before. :) And now that she's done it several times she's gotten really fast at it! Here's what she looked like after that first time:

And this last picture is just fun. The Monday before Christmas we got together with friends (we had 4 babies at our little party!) and of course we had to put the babies together for pictures. This one is funny to me because Karys is looking at Stephanie's mom, Catherine, and Stephanie seems to be looking at me! Oh well, still a cute picture. And of course there's Ethan chillin' to the side. :)

And yes I do realize there are only 3 babies in this picture but Jackson had gotten tired of the whole picture-taking process! ;)
Love the new discoveries! Cherish them, I'm already forgetting what these baby stages were like!
Love the new header!
It just gets better and better doesn't it? Jonas just learned how to clap his hands. So fun!
Very cute...love the double thumb sucking..too funny! Also love the new layout on your blog...really pretty!
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