Sorry for being MIA for so long. I just can't seem to find enough time to do a lot of blogging...or much computer stuff, period! :) I would say that there just isn't all that much exciting stuff going on in our lives, but then that would mean I was neglecting to tell you ....we have a crawling baby!! :) Maybe that's why I can't seem to get other stuff done...I'm too busy chasing her around! She is a huge mess...she loves to get into things she's not supposed to and has started figuring out how to climb on things (like the other day when Ryan turned around to find that she was sitting on the treadmill!----of course it was off!)
She's also climbed under the coffee table...

...and the Exersaucer!

And when we got home, we took a family picture:
Stay tuned for videos to be put up here soon! :)

Yesterday marked her very first Easter. I'm still not sure what traditions we'll do each year because I definitely didn't do that great with any kind of traditions this year! She did have an Easter dress--which I've had for about a year now! Last year, after I had found out she was going to be a girl, I went to Kohl's to look for some maternity clothes, and of course had to wander over to the baby section. I started going through all of the stuff that was on clearance and figuring out in my head what month she'd be what age (does that make sense?). Anyway, I found this beautiful dress for only $3.20! It is the perfect Easter sweet!
In my first attempt to take pictures, we'd just gotten home from church and she was hungry. So I sat her in the chair (not knowing she was so hungry!) and she started crying. Which is why the picture doesn't look all that great!

After a much-needed nap (for her, of course) we went over to Ryan's sister's house like we do every year. Amber always does an Easter egg hunt for her kids, so I made up some eggs for Karys. Since there's really nothing to put in an egg that she can have, I put dried rice in some eggs and pennies in some and glued them shut so she could just have rattles. I'm still not really sure if she likes them. I don't think she gets what to do with them! While we were over there, she decided she needed to clean the spokes of Connor's wheelchair! :)

I put animal crackers in our Easter eggs. It had to be something Jonas wasn't allergic to. He just wanted to shake them though. What a great deal on a precious dress! The fam looks great. Hopefully we'll get to see you guys in June.
All that looks familiar! Cute family pic...and love the exersaucer pic of Karys
Very Cute!
I put hair bows that I made in Sophie's... Well and goldfish and gerber puffs (but sophie is older)
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