Today was Karys's first time to wear her new swimsuit and play in a swimming pool!! She didn't really seem all that thrilled by the whole experience. Hopefully that was because it was new. I tried to put her in a baby floatie and she cried, so we didn't do that anymore!! She kept a serious look on her face most of the time but eventually started splashing the water a little bit. And then when she got to sit down in the water (the pool we were at had a beach entrance) she seemed to be a little bit happier. Check out this cutie!
(I only put this in here because it shows off most of her swimsuit...I'm not trying to model mine for anyone!! :)
Bathing beauty

Fun! Exposure, exposure, exposure. The more she gets used to it, the more she will like it. Probably.
She is a cutie!!! My kids all hated those baby floaties too....they just wanted me to hold them--but then I would dunk them and before they knew it they were learning to swim! I am mean like that!
She looks adorable in her suit! Ava didn't like the pool at first either, but she got over it really there is hope!
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