Just thought I'd record a few things I've noticed as being different this time around of being pregnant. First off, today was my 37-week check-up and everything looks good, but I didn't make any progress from last week which is a little bit of a bummer.
I'll start with the good differences I've noticed in Pregnancy #2:
1. All of my rings still fit!! At this point in Pregnancy #1 (and even before now) my rings no longer fit and I was wearing a fake wedding ring so people wouldn't think I was unmarried! :) Granted, my first pregnancy was in the summer, but still. :)
2. I am not dealing with swelling! I think I've had maybe two occasions where my ankles started swelling, but nothing like last time. Again, it's not summertime right now, but it's definitely nice not to be dealing with that!
3. I'm not having heartburn like I did the first time around. I've had it a few times, but again not enough times to even really be bothered by it.
4. I started out this pregnancy about 15 pounds lighter than I was at the start of my first pregnancy. The downside is that I've put on more weight this time than I did last time, but the upside is that I'm not yet at the final weight I was at with Karys. :)
Now for the bad differences in Pregnancy #2:
1. I've dealt with more digestive "issues", I guess you could say. Whatever you want to call it, it's a nuisance!
2. I feel WAAAAY bigger this time around!! I stick out more in the front whereas with Karys I was a lot wider so I didn't feel as big as I do now! :)
3. Now that I'm right here at the end of the pregnancy I'm dealing with contractions way more than I remember dealing with them my first time around. I'll deal with them, though, if it means that I won't be overdue!! :)
As much as I feel ready for sweet little Zane to come, I know I need to cherish the time that I still have him kicking me from the inside and getting those sweet little baby hiccups. :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
New Updates
I realized I haven't blogged anything recently...and I've actually done really poorly on blogging this year!! I was looking back at my posts from 2008 to see where I was as far as progress in my pregnancy with Karys at the point I'm at now with Zane and saw that I had like 60-something posts in 2008 and like 15 this year!! Pathetic! :)
So to give a few new updates. I'm 37 weeks as of today and really getting ready to be done!! :) My stomach sticks out way farther than I did with Karys and I have contractions more often than I remember having with her. Needless to say, it makes me a little uncomfortable!! Plus there are so many friends at church having their babies now that it makes me anxious for my turn! :) Last week at my 36-week checkup I was already at 1 cm. and 60% effaced. Looking back at my posts in 2008, I'm doing better than I was then! I go back to the doctor tomorrow so I'm hoping to have made more progress. It would be so wonderful if he came a little early!! My doctor was thinking it was possible for him to come a couple of weeks early!! I guess we'll find out...I'm trying not to get my hopes up to much. :)
Second update is on Karys's speech. Things just keep getting better and better. She improves on words all the time and has been doing a great job lately at putting words together. Her next appointment is Tuesday and I'm excited to tell her therapist how well she's been doing and get more ideas and suggestions for ways to help her. :)
The picture at the top of the post is Karys wearing all her pretty dress-up stuff given to her by her friend, Stephanie. Such a pretty little princess! :)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Since her last therapy session we've been watching the LeapFrog Letter Factory video daily (sometimes she chooses to watch it more than once a day!) and it is definitely helping her. She's learning letters and their sounds and can recognize them both in the video and out in real life. The other day she saw a magnet that I had and found the "F" and made the "f" sound and the same thing for an "M". It's really impressive how quickly she's picked up on this!
Her therapist was impressed at how much progress she's made in two weeks. At this session, she worked with Karys using the picture cards that she gave her last time. They practiced words, and also did an activity where Becca would hold up two pictures (ex. a ball and a cupcake) and ask, "Which one do you eat?" to try to get her to say something like, "Eat cake." Although she didn't answer in that way, she did know the right answer!! :)
Becca also gave us some new words to work with: "bee, bow, boo, bay, and bye" because all of these words combine the "b" sound with a long vowel sound and long vowel sounds encourage Karys to talk with her mouth open, which is something she definitely needs help with. She's pretty close-mouthed when she talks which is one of the problems with her speech. In practicing those 5 words yesterday, she could say the first three pretty well, but "bay" and "bye" she said with a "d" sound instead of a "b" sound. I had a feeling she would do this, because she's always said "bye" with a "d" and when she says "baby" she substitutes "b's" for "d's." It's definitely something I've been trying to work with her on!! Becca said that maybe it's the sound that comes after the "b" that trips her up sometimes.
For her next session, we're supposed to help her start using a two-word phrase consistently and improve at imitating words.
The funny/cool part about yesterday occurred as I was putting Karys down for a nap. She was sitting in her bed and I was about to leave the room and she looks at me and says, "Bye!" I looked at her and said, "What did you say?" and again she says, "Bye!" I happened to be on the phone with Ryan at the time and I asked him, "Did you hear that?" and he had heard the same thing I had. Karys said it for me again, and the last time she also waved, so I knew that she knew what she was saying. I'm not kidding when I say that she has NEVER said that word correctly...she didn't even do that during her therapy session yesterday!! I don't know how it clicked in her mind to say it the right way, but I was so proud of her!! And today she still wants to revert back to using the "d" sound out of habit, but she just needs a reminder and she remembers how to say it correctly. I can't wait to see what happens between now and her next appointment, December 7! :)
Monday, November 8, 2010
First ECI Visit
The great thing about ECI is that they come to your house to work and I think that helps Karys be more comfortable. She had no problems doing anything she was asked to do and warmed up to Becca (her therapist) pretty immediately. At this first appointment, Becca brought Karys a little mirror that we are supposed to use to work on imitating words. When Becca would use it, she would act like she was watching herself say a word in the mirror and then ask Karys to copy it. Every time Karys would do whatever she was asked. And I could tell she was really trying hard to copy Becca. She also gave Karys some picture cards that we're supposed to work on. They're all common words and we're supposed to work on making the words sound like they're supposed to and then using those words to start putting words together. For example, I'm supposed to be asking her object function questions. Instead of saying, "What is this?" for a picture of a car, I should ask her something like, "What does Mommy drive?" in hopes that she'll eventually say something like "Drive car."
I bought a notebook today so that I could take notes of everything we're supposed to work on between now and her next appointment in two weeks. Here's what we're going to start with:
*Associating long vowel sounds with words to get her to start using vowels in her words
*Have her drink out of a straw more often
*Practice clicking her tongue
*Use the mirror to practice words she's highly successful with so she can see what her mouth is supposed to do
I can't wait to see how much she improves as time goes on. :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
God Is So Good :)
In case you weren't aware, Ryan and I have had concerns over Karys's speech for months now. Well before she turned 2, we realized that she was not progressing in ways typical for kids her age. It's not that she's not intelligent, it's that the words that she does have are very hard to understand. Back in the spring we were referred by our pediatrician to ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) and we had a lady come out and do a developmental assessment on her and she said that she was going to get in touch with the speech therapist and they'd come back together because she had a feeling she would qualify. The time that she called with a speech therapist available we weren't going to be available and then I never heard from her again.
At Karys's two year check up I told the doctor about this and she referred us to a private therapy center. The problem was going to be that our insurance wasn't going to kick in for it for awhile and it's quite pricey. So Ryan told me he wanted me to get back in touch with ECI again. I called their main office a couple of weeks ago and was told they'd get me a new referral and someone would call back in a few days. This past Monday I hadn't heard back yet so I called again and this time someone actually put the referral into the computer while I was on the phone with her. I was told I'd hear back from someone in 7-10 business days. The NEXT DAY I got a call from the lady we worked with previously who said that she was going to get in touch with the speech therapist and call me the next day with whatever times she might be available. This morning I got a call at 8 saying that the speech therapist had a cancellation for today...could they come over and do her evaluation at 11:30. I was so psyched!! Getting things going this quickly is pretty much unheard of!!
They came over and asked lots of questions about development and language (things like: Does she play make-believe?...Answer: yes. Will she ask me "What's that?"...Answer: no.). They determined that she's right where she should be developmentally, but she's definitely lagging behind in speech. One thing the therapist noticed was that she doesn't open her mouth very much when she talks (which I've already noticed) and said she was a little advanced in her language, as far as what she knows...she just can't articulate the words herself.
The next cool part in the story is that Karys will probably be working with the speech therapist's assistant, who just so happens to be someone I know!! Her son was in one of the classes I worked with at a daycare I worked at here in town several years ago. I don't know if she'll remember me, but she's a really nice woman and I'm so excited that we'll be getting to work with her!
I'm just seeing God's hand so clearly in this situation...the quick timing (which is almost unheard of), the availability of the speech therapist so quickly, and now getting to work with someone I'm familiar with. We've been praying about this situation and I can definitely testify that He answers prayer. God is good...all the time. :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Baby Boy Has A Name!!
After lots of deliberation, we FINALLY have a name picked out for our little boy!! I'll tell you the story about how it came to be, but for those that aren't interested in that, I'll go ahead and give you his name first. :)
Zane Elliott Magan
Wow, it actually feels kind of weird to write it and realize that yes, this will be our son's name forever! :) I found the name "Zane" in a baby names book that was passed down to me by my sister-in-law, Misty. In the book it said that it was an English variation of the name "John" so it means the same thing, which is, "God is gracious." Elliott is also Biblical and means "The Lord is my God." Love both of those meanings!!
As most of you know, we've been going back and forth about names for months now. I'd make a list of names I liked; Ryan would look at the list and then tell me to keep searching for names; I'd search for more names and add a couple at a time to the list; they'd get shot down again by Ryan. ;) And so on and so on. Eventually we had it narrowed down to either Zane Elliott or Reid Elliott. (Although Ryan liked to spell it "Reed.") Then it dawned on me one day last week that if we went with Reid, I'd be saying this sentence a lot: "I've got to go feed Reid." And the thought of rhyming like that multiple times a day turned me off of that name!! But I still didn't feel quite sure about Zane. Then the name "Evan" came to me and I REALLY liked that one. But Ryan told me he knew someone growing up named Evan and the guy was weird so Ryan totally didn't want that at all.
All along, I've been waiting for a name to feel "right" to me and felt that God had led us to Karys's name and I knew He had the perfect name for this little guy as well. I was just waiting for that "this is it" feeling. Yesterday I was watching an episode of "The Little Couple" (a show on TLC). The couple in that show is in the process of building a house and this episode involved them trying to pick a color for the exterior of the house. They got it narrowed down to two choices. He liked a greenish color, and she liked a blueish color. So they're back at the house they live in now trying to hammer it out and decide which color to go with. And finally she says, "Let's paint the house green." Her reason? Because she loves her husband and he wants green so she wants to do something he'd love. All of a sudden I got my "this is it" feeling because I realized that we were in a similar situation. We both had a name that we felt drawn to...I actually liked both names, but was favoring Evan (Ryan, hated Evan, but still...similar scenarios. ;). I started thinking about how Karys's name was my idea and it just happened that Ryan liked it so that's what we went with. This time around, we're having a boy and I just felt like I wanted to let our little boy's name be the one his daddy wanted him to have. So now it's set...he has a name! :) (If you hate it, try to get used to it...maybe you'll like it. ;) If you love it, feel free to say so. :)
**Disclaimer: For those of you who know Jaime, I promise I found the name "Zane" in a book before I knew that's what they would be using as a middle name. I promise I didn't just rip it out of the name they chose!!
Zane Elliott Magan
Wow, it actually feels kind of weird to write it and realize that yes, this will be our son's name forever! :) I found the name "Zane" in a baby names book that was passed down to me by my sister-in-law, Misty. In the book it said that it was an English variation of the name "John" so it means the same thing, which is, "God is gracious." Elliott is also Biblical and means "The Lord is my God." Love both of those meanings!!
As most of you know, we've been going back and forth about names for months now. I'd make a list of names I liked; Ryan would look at the list and then tell me to keep searching for names; I'd search for more names and add a couple at a time to the list; they'd get shot down again by Ryan. ;) And so on and so on. Eventually we had it narrowed down to either Zane Elliott or Reid Elliott. (Although Ryan liked to spell it "Reed.") Then it dawned on me one day last week that if we went with Reid, I'd be saying this sentence a lot: "I've got to go feed Reid." And the thought of rhyming like that multiple times a day turned me off of that name!! But I still didn't feel quite sure about Zane. Then the name "Evan" came to me and I REALLY liked that one. But Ryan told me he knew someone growing up named Evan and the guy was weird so Ryan totally didn't want that at all.
All along, I've been waiting for a name to feel "right" to me and felt that God had led us to Karys's name and I knew He had the perfect name for this little guy as well. I was just waiting for that "this is it" feeling. Yesterday I was watching an episode of "The Little Couple" (a show on TLC). The couple in that show is in the process of building a house and this episode involved them trying to pick a color for the exterior of the house. They got it narrowed down to two choices. He liked a greenish color, and she liked a blueish color. So they're back at the house they live in now trying to hammer it out and decide which color to go with. And finally she says, "Let's paint the house green." Her reason? Because she loves her husband and he wants green so she wants to do something he'd love. All of a sudden I got my "this is it" feeling because I realized that we were in a similar situation. We both had a name that we felt drawn to...I actually liked both names, but was favoring Evan (Ryan, hated Evan, but still...similar scenarios. ;). I started thinking about how Karys's name was my idea and it just happened that Ryan liked it so that's what we went with. This time around, we're having a boy and I just felt like I wanted to let our little boy's name be the one his daddy wanted him to have. So now it's set...he has a name! :) (If you hate it, try to get used to it...maybe you'll like it. ;) If you love it, feel free to say so. :)
**Disclaimer: For those of you who know Jaime, I promise I found the name "Zane" in a book before I knew that's what they would be using as a middle name. I promise I didn't just rip it out of the name they chose!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Life With A Two-Year-Old

Recently I've started noticing how much Karys is maturing and growing up, even just compared with how she was a few months ago. It's so neat to see her start to become more independent and actually want to do things that she sees us do (i.e. housework) that I know in a few years we'll be hard-pressed to get her to do!
Last week at MOPS our speaker topic was Time Management and the thing our speaker said that really stuck out to me wasn't even something she probably intended to be useful to anyone. She said something along the lines of: A two-year-old can be expected to put shoes away in a bin, and even to pick out a match to a shoe from the bin. They cannot, however, be expected to line up their shoes in a nice little row. Back in the summer when I redid Karys's room I took out the dresser and put in its place a tall bookshelf with different bins for onesies, bibs, etc. I don't think I took into consideration that she would soon start wanting to get her own shoes out of the closet, so I did line them up neatly. That system is definitely not working and I am now on the lookout for the perfect shoe bin!!
This morning I saw some of that helpfulness come out when I REALLY wasn't expecting it. I was refilling our dog's food bowl and about to take it outside to him when I heard Karys say his name. (His name is Leon, she says something like "Yee-yah".) I turned around to see what she was doing and saw her carefully carrying his water bowl!! Thankfully, it wasn't very full! I got it from her quickly and gave her the food bowl to take out to him. She looked so proud of herself carrying that food bowl outside and putting it down on the ground for the dog. It made me proud of her and showed me that she's eager to be given more responsibility. Guess I'll be asking for more help with chores!! :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Baby #2 Is A Boy!! :)
Here's a true story for you. Before I found out I was pregnant again, I told Ryan that I didn't care if we ever had a boy. I didn't feel like I had any idea what to do with a boy because I never grew up with a brother and I don't like to do things that I feel are "boy" things to do. I'm not an outdoorsy person, I've never been good at sports, I hate being dirty/sweaty...all boy things!! I didn't feel like I could relate to a boy at all! When I told all of this to Ryan he told me that boys don't expect their moms to do that kind of stuff. :)

Fast forward to May 7, 2010. That was the day I found out I was pregnant. That night, I had a dream that I was at my ultrasound appointment and we found out the baby was a boy. I'm thinking maybe that was God's way of working on me because from that point on I just felt that this baby was a boy. And the more time I had to think about what that would mean and how I really could handle that...and not just "handle" it, but enjoy it, the more excited I became about having a boy.
Fast forward again to my July appointment. I was 14 weeks at the time and told my doctor that I felt like this baby was a boy and I knew that you could tell that really early so I thought we should wheel in her little portable ultrasound machine and just see if we could see anything. She laughed and told me that the quality of that machine wasn't very good and they could barely tell the head from the tail with it! Then she told me that she'd let me find out at my next appointment in 4 weeks. I was really surprised about that because with Karys she told me I had to be 20 weeks at least before I could find out.
We had the ultrasound done yesterday. When the sonographer started, she said that she couldn't determine gender at that point because the umbilical cord was in the way, but that we'd come back to it. She started taking all of the measurements that she's supposed to take and was great at telling us everything she was seeing as she was seeing it. Then at the end she said that she could tell what the sex of the baby was, but she couldn't seem to get a good picture of it. I told her that I thought the baby was a boy and she said I was right! She pointed out his "parts" to us and said that he was turned in such a way that she just couldn't get a good picture of it. I told her I didn't care about that, all I really cared about was finding out the sex of the baby! :) She told us she was certain she was right about it being a boy. She was also able to get us some really good 4D pictures, which surprised her as well because at this point the baby is really small.
I really do love the doctor that I have and I'm so thankful that she was willing to accomodate this impatient mommy! :)
Here are a couple of pictures of our little guy (who is nameless as of yet!):
This is a full-body picture...head is at the top and the body is curved around. Unfortunately these did not scan in that well!!

This is a really sweet profile picture. I look at it and think, "That really looks like a boy!" But I don't know if I think that because I know or not! :)

And I like this one because I'm just wondering if we're going to have another thumb-sucker on our hands!! :)
I gotta say I'm excited to be joining all of you "boy moms!" :) And I'm so thrilled to not be having a summertime baby...it's way too hot to be "big pregnant" right now!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Vacation 2010- Myrtle Beach, SC
We had such a blast on our vacation this summer! It really didn't even get planned until two weeks before we headed out. My parents own a timeshare and are able to get access to different resorts for a week during the year. We knew that we wanted to use one of those resorts, rather than renting a hotel room because we'd have tons more space, plus a full kitchen, and washer/dryer. We stayed in a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo and it was WONDERFUL!!
My parents weren't able to join up with me, Ryan, and Karys on our first couple of days because they had tickets to see Sarah Palin in Tyler on the first day of our vacation so they didn't join up with us for a couple of days. Ryan, Karys, and I started our drive to Myrtle Beach (a 17 hour drive...without stops) on Friday, June 25, at 4:15 in the morning! I took the idea from a friend, who told me that for long car trips, they kill it on the first day so that the second day's travel isn't as long. We headed to Atlanta, GA, where we had made a hotel reservation for that night and didn't make it there until around 7:00 p.m. (It was supposed to be a 10.5 hour drive!) The next morning we got up (not nearly as early) and headed the rest of the way to Myrtle Beach. We would've gotten there about 2 hours earlier than we did, except that there is one main way to get into Myrtle Beach once you leave I-20 and it goes through this small town that has like 2 stoplights that backed all the traffic up for a long time! The part of the drive we were on was supposed to be about 20.5 miles, according to our google maps directions, and it took us about 2 hours to travel that distance. It was so frustrating!!!!! Karys was an absolute trooper in the car. She really didn't fuss about being in the car for such long periods of time. That first day when we left so early in the morning, we figured we'd just put her in the car and she'd fall back asleep. Nope!! She stayed 100% awake until after lunch, just like a normal day!! Thankfully, she was happy so we didn't care! This first picture is on our drive that first day. She was playing with all of these toys, and then just fell asleep with everything still in her lap! :)
One of Ryan's sisters, Misty, and her family live in North Carolina, about 2 1/2 hours away from Myrtle Beach. She and her kids were able to come stay with us on our first night in Myrtle Beach which was great because we don't get to see her very often. The first night we got there, we went to eat at Cracker Barrel and then got the kids in bed. The following day we headed out to the beach! We didn't end up taking any pictures at the beach until our last day there because we really didn't want to leave an expensive camera just laying around. Although I will say I like the atmosphere at the beach. It seemed to be safe, in that everyone just picked a spot for their belongings and no one messed in anyone else's stuff. But I didn't want to leave anything too expensive out there just to test that theory! After we got back from the beach, Karys took a 4-hour nap! I knew that the lack of sleep the day before would eventually catch up with her!
My parents weren't able to join up with me, Ryan, and Karys on our first couple of days because they had tickets to see Sarah Palin in Tyler on the first day of our vacation so they didn't join up with us for a couple of days. Ryan, Karys, and I started our drive to Myrtle Beach (a 17 hour drive...without stops) on Friday, June 25, at 4:15 in the morning! I took the idea from a friend, who told me that for long car trips, they kill it on the first day so that the second day's travel isn't as long. We headed to Atlanta, GA, where we had made a hotel reservation for that night and didn't make it there until around 7:00 p.m. (It was supposed to be a 10.5 hour drive!) The next morning we got up (not nearly as early) and headed the rest of the way to Myrtle Beach. We would've gotten there about 2 hours earlier than we did, except that there is one main way to get into Myrtle Beach once you leave I-20 and it goes through this small town that has like 2 stoplights that backed all the traffic up for a long time! The part of the drive we were on was supposed to be about 20.5 miles, according to our google maps directions, and it took us about 2 hours to travel that distance. It was so frustrating!!!!! Karys was an absolute trooper in the car. She really didn't fuss about being in the car for such long periods of time. That first day when we left so early in the morning, we figured we'd just put her in the car and she'd fall back asleep. Nope!! She stayed 100% awake until after lunch, just like a normal day!! Thankfully, she was happy so we didn't care! This first picture is on our drive that first day. She was playing with all of these toys, and then just fell asleep with everything still in her lap! :)
On Tuesday, my parents were finally able to join up with us, but not until the afternoon. In the morning, we headed back to the beach. Let me just say that Karys was only sort of a fan of the beach. Going in the water was not fun for her but being in the sand walking around she did find enjoyable. :)

These last two pictures are from our trip headed back home. We ended up taking longer to get home and spent the night in two different hotels. One of those nights was July 4, so here's Karys in her cute 4th outfit. The lei was given to her by the lady at the front desk of the hotel. :)
This picture is from our last day. Karys decided to catch herself a ride to the car!
Can't wait for next year's vacation when we'll have an almost 3 year old and a 6 month old baby! :)
I think all but one day were in Myrtle Beach we went to the beach. We also went to the Ripley's Aquarium one evening. Here are a few pictures from that:
And one night we went to Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede. I don't have any pictures from that because photos weren't allowed during the show so we didn't bother taking our cameras inside. It was a really fun show...kind of like going to Medieval Times but with a Civil War theme. We were still served food that you could only eat with your hands and during the show were split into the North and the South and were supposed to cheer for our side during the different competitions they had. Karys LOVED watching the horses especially. She did really well during the entire show. :)
On our last night in Myrtle Beach we did take a camera to the beach because we had to get at least a few pictures! Here they are:
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Baby #2's First Pictures
Today was my first sonogram with Baby #2. It's so weird to me that I felt like I'd already done this before so I knew what would happen today. In some ways I did, in some ways it was a little bit different. First of all, when I had my first sonogram with Karys I thought I was almost 9 weeks pregnant. Then the sonogram showed me to be quite a bit behind that (8 days) so my due date, which I thought was going to be July 18, turned out to be July 27. In the long run, that wasn't a big deal, but when you're really trying to get through the first trimester, an extra 8 days feels like a really big setback! This time around the due date that I calculated online was January 9, and my sonogram was showing me to be measuring for January 11. So I really am as pregnant as I thought I was! I was totally prepared to go in today and get a due date closer to the middle of January. So I think this was a nice surprise. (Although the later in January the baby comes, the closer Karys will be to being exactly 2 1/2. Probably doesn't make much difference!)
I go back to see my doctor in 2 weeks. I was scheduled to go next week, but the nurse said that she wanted me to get the appointment pushed back another week so that when my dr. checks the baby's heart rate she'll actually be able to hear it externally.
Both of my pictures look pretty much the same so I'll post the "better" of the two. This was also different from my first sono with Karys. Her picture actually looked like a grain of rice. This time, that grain of rice is starting to morph. Although it still doesn't really look baby-like yet! The sono tech showed me where the head was and where the arms were starting to form. The head is toward the right and the arms are starting to come out of the middle of the "peanut" shape. :) Oh, the baby's heart rate today was 164. I had a dream the night that I found out I was pregnant that the baby was a boy. But Karys always followed the "higher heart rate = girl" scenario, so I guess we'll see what happens! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Big Sister Coming Soon!!
I can't believe it, but my sweet little Karys is going to be a big sister!! We just found out this happy news last Friday and I think it's taking me some time for it to really sink in. Honestly, I can't let too much of it sink in yet because then my mind wanders to all of the questions that stress me out! (i.e. How do we fit everyone? How do you parent a newborn and a toddler at the same time?) So for now I'll just be excited about being pregnant again because it was honestly fun the first time around, and the fact that we're expanding our family.
Then the next picture, Ryan told Karys to say "I'm going to be a big sister!" The idea was that my parents would have a shocked look on their face and then Ryan would snap their picture. However, they kept this fake smile on for the picture, and THEN looked over at me, asking, "Is this true?"
Everyone is really excited...my parents and sister couldn't wait to post the news to facebook, and were disappointed that I made them wait until later Monday evening so I had a chance to call some people that I didn't want to have just read it over facebook.
And now, for more details. :) This time around is already different than it was with Karys, enough so that I had to google my symptoms to see if they were possible pregnancy symptoms. I'd share a little more about them, but it's possible that male family members might read this and there are just some things we don't need to know about each other! :) But I will say that I've had to deal with some morning sickness, although it doesn't make me throw up.
So anyway, last Thursday I googled my symptoms and discovered that I was very possibly experiencing early pregnancy symptoms. This past weekend we had my sister spend the weekend with us so on Friday morning I got up early to work out (and take a test). I was pretty sure I knew what my test was going to say, so I wasn't too surprised when the two pink lines started appearing immediately. In an effort to not wake up anyone else in the house, I opted to take the dog for a jog as my workout so I left a note in the bathroom that said "SURPRISE!! Let's see who finds this first" and put the test with the note. I left with the dog, in hopes that when we got back both Ryan and Julie would be on the couch and would jump up when I got home and run over to me all excited. But I returned with the living room dark and empty like I'd left it. ;) However, a few minutes later my sister emerged from Karys's room saying that she found the note first. And later, I just took the message into my room and told Ryan that he had missed out on getting to know first. :)
At this point, I will be honest and say that I was surprised by this baby as I was with Karys. However, with Karys we weren't expecting to start trying for a baby any time soon when I found out I was pregnant. This time we're just a few months earlier than I was hoping for. My plan was that I wanted to have another baby in the spring of 2011. It looks like we'll be having a baby sometime around mid- to late January. We have lots of family birthdays in January (just like we had when Karys was born in July), so I'll be hoping that this baby doesn't end up being born on a day that's already "taken" (my mom's birthday is the 10th, my cousin's husband is the 11th, one of my nephews is the 19th and another is the 21st). I like for everyone to have their own special birthday.
When I found out I was pregnant with Karys, it was the day before Thanksgiving which meant we had a big holiday coming up that we got to tell everyone. This time it was two days before Mother's Day, which meant that we would see my parents on Mother's Day and be able to tell them in person in a special way. We went with an idea that Ryan had as our way of telling them. We had them take a picture with Karys, just a regular picture, where we told everyone to say "Cheese":
One of the things that is different this time around is that for several days now I've been dealing with my heart beating much more forcefully than usual. It's super-annoying because, for example, as I'm sitting here typing, it's doing it and it feels like I'm stressed out or nervous. But nothing about typing on the computer makes me feel either of those emotions!! I'm going to visit my MD tomorrow to see what she suggests/recommends.
My first sonogram is scheduled for June 1st, and my first visit with my doctor is June 8, so hopefully after those dates I can get a more accurate due date. I had a dream Friday night that the baby was a boy so I'm gearing myself up for that to be the case. I didn't grow up with a brother so I feel a little inadequate when it comes to raising/living with little boys! I guess we'll see what happens!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Nothing New in Awhile
I always seem to forget to post new blogs. I tend to be bad at posting pics on facebook too. We take pictures quite a bit, but I just upload them to the computer and then forget about them!! That being said, I decided I should put up a couple of pics. This first one is one that Ryan took on his phone probably around a year ago. I noticed it in our Pictures folder on the computer one day and it felt like it had been taken ages ago!! I just can't believe how different things can get in a year's time. When I first looked at this picture, my reaction was that I didn't remember her legs ever looking so chubby...I love it!! :)
And I realized I never posted anything from Easter. Here's my sweet little girl in her Easter dress. :) (And being the money-saver I like to be, I can't post the pic without mentioning that I bought this dress at a consignment store in Mesquite for $5.50!! It's a Children's Place dress.)
Monday, March 15, 2010
She Makes Me Laugh :)
I usually keep Karys's jacket hanging on the chair I unload my purse and diaper bag on. No real reason, just laziness I guess. :) Keeps me from having to hang it up all the time and then get it back out of the closet (although this is what I do with my own coats!!). So anyway, tonight there were two jackets hanging up on the chair. Karys saw them hanging there, pulled both of them down and brought them to me, which meant she wanted them put on her. So as the air conditioner is running to cool down our too-warm house, she's wandering around wearing two jackets at the same time. :) Silly girl!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
And THIS is what happens.... :)
...When Karys has to spend extra time in her bed because she wakes up from nap too early!! :)
Let me give just a little bit of explanation. This week I've been trying to start eliminating the morning nap from our routine. She was getting to the point that she would either just play in bed for an hour, or she might actually sleep which would mean she wouldn't sleep as long in the afternoon. So I've been putting her down for one nap somewhere between 12:30 and 1:00 with the idea that nap time isn't "over" until 4:00. The only problem I've had is that she has a tendency to "do her business" during naptime, unfortunately. It's not cool because it always wakes her up. So on a day that she's only taken one nap, if she goes to sleep at 1 and wakes up at 2:30 because her diaper's dirty, that's totally not enough sleep for her!! So I'll go in and change her quickly, and put her back into bed knowing that there's like a 90% chance she's not going back to sleep. But at least she'll have had a "rest time" if nothing else.
This is what happened today. She was asleep somewhere around 1ish and woke up around 3 with her dirty diaper. I went in and changed her and put her back in bed. Obviously she stayed awake the rest of the time. When I went in to get her at 4, the first thing I noticed was one of her socks on the floor outside of her crib. This isn't all that unusual. I actually had to look at her for a second before I realized SHE TOOK HER SHIRT OFF!!!! :) Once I realized that, I started laughing hysterically and called Ryan in to see her. He didn't find it as humorous as I did, but apparently he was trying to decide if I was laughing because I realized that I had forgotten to put her shirt on her or if she had taken it off herself. But it was hilarious to me!! :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
This Is What Happens....
This picture was from lunch today. For months now we've been dealing with Karys throwing food she's tired of eating onto the floor. We've tried so many things to make it stop, but we have a stubborn child. Slapping her hand does nothing for her...doesn't phase her one bit. TAlk about frustrating!! I've told her "no" about this and explained that we don't throw food on the floor so much I think I should just record it and push "play" a million times a day!! Obviously what we've been doing hasn't been working or we wouldn't be dealing with this problem. So we decided to try something new, and hopefully this will work. The new plan is that whenever she throws food on the floor, it's going to mean she's done and her food will be taken away. Then she has to pick up whatever she threw on the floor and throw it away, and if it made the floor dirty, she is given a paper towel and has to help me wipe it up. We just started this yesterday. At breakfast this morning, we did have a "nothing on the floor" meal, but then at lunch, a piece of cracker and a piece of ham, and a cup ended up on the floor. Hopefully if we're consistant it's going to work.
Back to the picture. At lunch, I fixed her lunch and she was already eating while I was fixing my lunch. Then stuff ended up on the floor so I took her food away. (And I'm not being totally rigid with this. If she's barely eaten anything, then she does have to clean up her mess, but she gets another chance. I promise, I'm not starving her!!) However, I still hadn't eaten lunch so she had to sit in her high chair while I ate my lunch. Apparently she was getting bored with not too much to do, so she started playing with her shirt. First it was playing with the sleeves...and then she did what you see in the picture. I have to admit, it made me laugh. :)
If you're reading this and you have another suggestion, I would LOVE to hear it!! :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
A Girl After My Own Heart
I'll start by saying, I love organization. When things have a place, and everything is in its place, the world just feels right. When my house is a mess and cluttered, it makes me anxious and just leaves me feeling unsettled. However, when everything is put away, I feel relief. Today was a happy day for me because I was able to create more space in our house. Allow me to share, in pictures. :)
On Saturday my dad came down to empty out the storage building he had been renting us so we could take all of our stuff that doesn't fit in our new place to my parents' house since they are so generously going to store it for us. While we were at their house, we got to take this over-the-toilet shelf that had belonged to my grandmother, but wouldn't fit over the toilets in my parents' house. Today, I went to Big Lots and got a few baskets to go on it so that our toiletries can be in the bathroom, but not advertised to everyone who comes in!! That looks like this:
Emptying out our old entertainment center meant finding a new place for all of the Wii accessories. Once again, I like my stuff HIDDEN!! I went to Big Lots today intending to find wicker baskets for the bathroom, and a big one for the Wii stuff. I didn't find the baskets I wanted, but I did find better things. I ended up finding this really pretty planter for only $12 and it holds all of the Wii stuff wonderfully, and looks great under the end table!
And finally, the reason for the title of this post. Tonight while Karys was in the bathtub, this is what she did with her toys. She did this all by herself, with no help or suggestions from me:
WOO HOO!! :)
My parents gave us money for Christmas to get a new entertainment center. The one we picked allows us to hide our DVDs inside of it (something else I love...hiding junk!!). We weren't able to get it until yesterday, because we had to do something with our old entertainment center (my parents took it from us). Here's our nice, new entertainment "credenza" (as it is called on the box!):
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
She's A Big Girl Now!!!
Don't worry, we're still around....even though I only seem to be able to talk myself into posting once a month (or sometimes less!!). I'll try to get better. I have lots of updating to do, but my child has already woken up from her nap, so I'll just do a short one right now with hopes of posting the video I took earlier later on today. For Christmas, my parents got Karys her "big girl" carseat. At her 15 mo. checkup (when she was actually 16 mos.), she weighed in at 19 lbs. 4 oz. and the doctor said it was okay to go ahead and turn her around. This was at the beginning of December, so we figured that by Christmas it'd be even more likely that maybe she'd hit that 20 lb. mark. I'm not sure that she really has quite yet, but she was really starting to outgrow that baby seat. So at 17 mos. old, she finally got to face forward in the car!!! :) She looked like such a giant in her infant seat, that now facing the other way in such a big seat, she looks tiny!! :)

(Oh, and I finally got around to changing my header and background!! :) Those pics that were on my header were over a year old!! And since I'm about 25 lbs. lighter than that picture, it was way past time to take that down!! :)
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About Me
- Janette
- I've been a wife for over seven years, a mommy of one for 2 and a half years, and a mommy of two as of 12/28/10! :) I married Ryan on July 26, 2003. We always said we wanted to have kids sometime around our fifth anniversary. The closer that time came, the more we started thinking we still needed another year. However, God held us to our original plan because Karys Elizabeth was born July 30, 2008...4 days after our 5th anniversary. :) I quit my job teaching kindergarten to take on the much more rewarding "career" of stay-at-home mom. There are some days that are hard, but I love it just the same. God surprised us again in May 2010 when we found out we were having baby #2. I went through the entire pregnancy expecting him to go past his January 9, 2011 due date since his sister was overdue. However, Zane Elliott surprised us by making his debut on December 28, 2010, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Now that we have "one of each" we could be "done" with our family, but hopefully that won't be the case. :)