Recently I've started noticing how much Karys is maturing and growing up, even just compared with how she was a few months ago. It's so neat to see her start to become more independent and actually want to do things that she sees us do (i.e. housework) that I know in a few years we'll be hard-pressed to get her to do!
Last week at MOPS our speaker topic was Time Management and the thing our speaker said that really stuck out to me wasn't even something she probably intended to be useful to anyone. She said something along the lines of: A two-year-old can be expected to put shoes away in a bin, and even to pick out a match to a shoe from the bin. They cannot, however, be expected to line up their shoes in a nice little row. Back in the summer when I redid Karys's room I took out the dresser and put in its place a tall bookshelf with different bins for onesies, bibs, etc. I don't think I took into consideration that she would soon start wanting to get her own shoes out of the closet, so I did line them up neatly. That system is definitely not working and I am now on the lookout for the perfect shoe bin!!
This morning I saw some of that helpfulness come out when I REALLY wasn't expecting it. I was refilling our dog's food bowl and about to take it outside to him when I heard Karys say his name. (His name is Leon, she says something like "Yee-yah".) I turned around to see what she was doing and saw her carefully carrying his water bowl!! Thankfully, it wasn't very full! I got it from her quickly and gave her the food bowl to take out to him. She looked so proud of herself carrying that food bowl outside and putting it down on the ground for the dog. It made me proud of her and showed me that she's eager to be given more responsibility. Guess I'll be asking for more help with chores!! :)
She sounds like a great helper! That will be very good when Jimothy gets here! ;-)
Annalisa used to line up everybody in our family's shoes in a nice straight line and would get mad if we messed it up--but she was about 3 when she started doing that!
It is so fun when they imitate and help. She is such a darling girl.
Awww....that kind of made me tear up a little bit because she really is such a big girl now! Apparently she's also really good at seeing what needs to be done and wanting to help! LOVE that girl!!
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