We've had a little bit of craziness going on at our house lately. Although at this point, I think things are pretty much back to normal. A couple of weeks ago, Zane developed a cough. The first day it wasn't that bad, but it got progressively worse. He developed the cough on a Thursday and that evening we headed out of town to spend the weekend at my parents' house. It ended up being really good to be with so many other people because we had a lot of help with our sweet little sick baby. Every time he was fed you just had to sit with him with burp rags nearby because he was going to cough so hard that it gagged him and he threw up. It was a pretty difficult weekend. On Monday I was able to get an appointment with our doctor (which was pretty remarkable in itself...usually the day I call she's booked up and I have to see whoever is available). They did a swab on him for the flu and RSV. His flu test came back negative, but he did come back positive for RSV. We were given prescriptions for breathing treatment meds and a cough medicine. Those first few days I felt a little overwhelmed trying to keep up with everything I was supposed to do for him: breathing treatments 3 times a day, cough medicine 4 times a day, give him PediaLyte between feedings to help loosen up congestion, remember to feed him in the first place!!!...just lots to do and remember. But he gradually started getting better and although he still has some lingering congestion every once in a while, we're pretty much back to normal.
Here are some new pics that I took today (now that I have batteries for the camera :)
We started putting Zane in the Bumbo seat a few days ago because his head control has gotten really good, and the strength in his upper back is really good. I wanted to take his picture looking really happy in his seat, but it turned out more like this: 
I saw this shirt Zane is wearing a while back at Target and thought it was so cute. Ryan's always using the word "rad" and it just seemed like Zane needed this shirt. But since it really wasn't necessary, I didn't buy it at the time. However, yesterday it was on clearance so it suddenly became worth it to me. :)
So glad things are going better for you guys. I know it was a rough couple of weeks. The breathing treatments are rough, been there.
Awww man!!! I'm sorry he had RSV:( That's stressful having to do breathing treatments. I had to do it for 4 months straight with Garrett his first winter and then we realized he was allergic to milk..no milk..no wheezing..no breathing treatments. So I feel your pain! Hope to see you soon!
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