Ten minutes later, the mommy and daddy would hear that familiar sound of the door opening, followed by the pitter patter of little three-year-old footsteps, and the words, "I have to go potty." The mommy and daddy were puzzled. "You just went to the potty; why do you need to go again?" But because the little girl was just in the beginning stages of learning to use the potty, they would let her go. And she usually did. And then she was sent back to bed.
If the mommy and daddy were lucky, the little girl didn't come out of her room anymore and fell asleep quickly. But usually the mommy and daddy were not so lucky. Time would go by and they would think the little girl was asleep. And just when they felt relieved that everyone was sleeping, the mommy and daddy would hear that familiar sound of the door opening, followed by the pitter patter of the three year old's footsteps, and the words: "I have to go potty!" And again, the little girl was given a chance to go to the potty.
This continued night after night. And the mommy and daddy wondered if the little girl was just trying to play them and look for ways to not have to go to sleep. But they wanted to believe their little girl. However, they were growing frustrated with their little girl taking up to two hours to fall asleep after being put to bed. And then the next morning, sometime before it was really a good time to get up, the little girl would come into mommy and daddy's room. "I need to go potty!" And mommy would get up and help her and when they were done, mommy would take her back to the little girl's room and tell her she needed to lay back down because it wasn't time to get up yet. And every morning, the little girl would lay back down in her bed, but wasn't able to fall back asleep.
The mommy and daddy wondered how long this phase would last. And they are still wondering...
to be continued...
(This is a picture of the cute little girl:
Too cute. So very sorry for the frustration. Ahhhh, parenting.
Hopefully it won't last too long. We had a similar problem with Cole like that....so maybe it is firstborn children? Cole was a little older when he started his getting up every 5 min to go to the bathroom....actually his was when he started school. I think change is what brings it on. It will pass....but OH don't I know how very annoying it is!! ;) Also, and I am sure you probably already do this, but be sure to limit the drinks she has in the evening. Hang in there....at least she is going on the potty and not in her bed!
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