Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Is What Happens....

....when a 17 month old has to have her food taken away because she was throwing it on the floor, but she wasn't allowed to leave the table. :)

This picture was from lunch today. For months now we've been dealing with Karys throwing food she's tired of eating onto the floor. We've tried so many things to make it stop, but we have a stubborn child. Slapping her hand does nothing for her...doesn't phase her one bit. TAlk about frustrating!! I've told her "no" about this and explained that we don't throw food on the floor so much I think I should just record it and push "play" a million times a day!! Obviously what we've been doing hasn't been working or we wouldn't be dealing with this problem. So we decided to try something new, and hopefully this will work. The new plan is that whenever she throws food on the floor, it's going to mean she's done and her food will be taken away. Then she has to pick up whatever she threw on the floor and throw it away, and if it made the floor dirty, she is given a paper towel and has to help me wipe it up. We just started this yesterday. At breakfast this morning, we did have a "nothing on the floor" meal, but then at lunch, a piece of cracker and a piece of ham, and a cup ended up on the floor. Hopefully if we're consistant it's going to work.

Back to the picture. At lunch, I fixed her lunch and she was already eating while I was fixing my lunch. Then stuff ended up on the floor so I took her food away. (And I'm not being totally rigid with this. If she's barely eaten anything, then she does have to clean up her mess, but she gets another chance. I promise, I'm not starving her!!) However, I still hadn't eaten lunch so she had to sit in her high chair while I ate my lunch. Apparently she was getting bored with not too much to do, so she started playing with her shirt. First it was playing with the sleeves...and then she did what you see in the picture. I have to admit, it made me laugh. :)

If you're reading this and you have another suggestion, I would LOVE to hear it!! :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Girl After My Own Heart

I'll start by saying, I love organization. When things have a place, and everything is in its place, the world just feels right. When my house is a mess and cluttered, it makes me anxious and just leaves me feeling unsettled. However, when everything is put away, I feel relief. Today was a happy day for me because I was able to create more space in our house. Allow me to share, in pictures. :)
My parents gave us money for Christmas to get a new entertainment center. The one we picked allows us to hide our DVDs inside of it (something else I love...hiding junk!!). We weren't able to get it until yesterday, because we had to do something with our old entertainment center (my parents took it from us). Here's our nice, new entertainment "credenza" (as it is called on the box!):
On Saturday my dad came down to empty out the storage building he had been renting us so we could take all of our stuff that doesn't fit in our new place to my parents' house since they are so generously going to store it for us. While we were at their house, we got to take this over-the-toilet shelf that had belonged to my grandmother, but wouldn't fit over the toilets in my parents' house. Today, I went to Big Lots and got a few baskets to go on it so that our toiletries can be in the bathroom, but not advertised to everyone who comes in!! That looks like this:Emptying out our old entertainment center meant finding a new place for all of the Wii accessories. Once again, I like my stuff HIDDEN!! I went to Big Lots today intending to find wicker baskets for the bathroom, and a big one for the Wii stuff. I didn't find the baskets I wanted, but I did find better things. I ended up finding this really pretty planter for only $12 and it holds all of the Wii stuff wonderfully, and looks great under the end table!
And finally, the reason for the title of this post. Tonight while Karys was in the bathtub, this is what she did with her toys. She did this all by herself, with no help or suggestions from me:WOO HOO!! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

She's A Big Girl Now!!!

Don't worry, we're still around....even though I only seem to be able to talk myself into posting once a month (or sometimes less!!). I'll try to get better. I have lots of updating to do, but my child has already woken up from her nap, so I'll just do a short one right now with hopes of posting the video I took earlier later on today. For Christmas, my parents got Karys her "big girl" carseat. At her 15 mo. checkup (when she was actually 16 mos.), she weighed in at 19 lbs. 4 oz. and the doctor said it was okay to go ahead and turn her around. This was at the beginning of December, so we figured that by Christmas it'd be even more likely that maybe she'd hit that 20 lb. mark. I'm not sure that she really has quite yet, but she was really starting to outgrow that baby seat. So at 17 mos. old, she finally got to face forward in the car!!! :) She looked like such a giant in her infant seat, that now facing the other way in such a big seat, she looks tiny!! :)
(Oh, and I finally got around to changing my header and background!! :) Those pics that were on my header were over a year old!! And since I'm about 25 lbs. lighter than that picture, it was way past time to take that down!! :)

About Me

My photo
I've been a wife for over seven years, a mommy of one for 2 and a half years, and a mommy of two as of 12/28/10! :) I married Ryan on July 26, 2003. We always said we wanted to have kids sometime around our fifth anniversary. The closer that time came, the more we started thinking we still needed another year. However, God held us to our original plan because Karys Elizabeth was born July 30, 2008...4 days after our 5th anniversary. :) I quit my job teaching kindergarten to take on the much more rewarding "career" of stay-at-home mom. There are some days that are hard, but I love it just the same. God surprised us again in May 2010 when we found out we were having baby #2. I went through the entire pregnancy expecting him to go past his January 9, 2011 due date since his sister was overdue. However, Zane Elliott surprised us by making his debut on December 28, 2010, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Now that we have "one of each" we could be "done" with our family, but hopefully that won't be the case. :)