I swear I was starting to see some real smiles today. I think she looks kinda "smiley" in this picture. :)

Wassup, people? ;) (I think that's what she's saying with this expression. :)

This next picture is especially for my friend, Alison. Alison made this blanket for Karys and brought it to the hospital the day she was born. It's hard to see in the picture, but at the top of the blanket she stitched Karys's birthdate and each of the black circles is made out of different material, to provide Karys with different textures to explore. Too awesome, huh? :)

And it was extra cute to put her next to her name. Check out that 22-inch-long body!
I also used my digital camera today to make a short video of her. This is like my first time videoing EVER, so hope you enjoy :)
Annalisa liked the video and she said that Karys smiled! She also likes her big "doll" that she is laying on!
Not that she wasn't cute in her pictures, but the video really captures how cute she really is!! Although I'm sure even CUTER in real life. What a beautiful blanket!
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