As of Saturday, I am now the mother of a one-month-old baby. And as of yesterday, she is now 5 weeks old. She went for her one-month well check-up at the doctor's office today. I have been saying for the last couple of weeks that I thought when we went back to the doctor we were going to be told that she weighed nine pounds. I was right, plus some! She was 9 lbs. 6 oz. which puts her in the 45th percentile for weight (at her 2 week check up, she was in the 19th percentile at 7 lbs. 6 oz.). If anyone is reading this and doesn't understand the whole "percentile" thing, it means that for weight, she weighs more than 45% of babies her age. For length, she was 22 inches long (up from 20 3/4 last time), which puts her in the 75th percentile (up from the 66th percentile). Her head circumference today was 14 1/2 inches, which doesn't really mean a whole lot to me except that the doctor said that it was normal for her size. Everything still seems to be going well. We were told that in this month she will start to smile (actually on purpose, instead of these half-grins when she's falling asleep!) and possibly even laugh. I can't wait for that! She'll also start to track us with her eyes when we are up walking around the room. Lots to look forward to! :)
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