Saturday, February 21, 2009

Play Date

Yesterday Karys and I went over to visit Stephanie and her mom, Catherine for a fun play date. Stephanie is only 2 1/2 weeks younger than Karys so we're hoping these two will grow up to be good buddies. We had a lot of fun with them, especially now that the babies are getting older and a little more interactive--especially with each other. Here's a few pics from our day, and then a video of the two girls "talking" to each cute! :)

By the way, take notice of her outfit. She's only worn it one other time and I was afraid it might be too small now, but actually it fits perfectly. I absolutely love this outfit!! :) I thought she looked so pretty in it. In fact, I really want to take her up to the Sears Portrait Studio (because we have some really great-deal coupons) and have her picture made in this!

Look at this pretty girl!
"What?" :)
"My toy!" "No, my toy!"
Karys: "Oh forget it. I've got my thumbs!"
Playing together nicely again
And now, for the really cute video. They seem to understand how to have a conversation!

More Valentine's Day Fun

I just have a few more pics from Valentine's Day that seem worth sharing. On Saturday, Ryan gave Karys a Valentine's Day gift, so I got a few cute pics of that:

Ryan's helping her open her gift

"Ooh, thanks, Daddy!"
And then on Sunday my parents came over to hang out for the day and they brought Karys a Valentine's gift.

Nana reading Karys her card

Where's Karys??? :)

Lots of books...much to Ryan's dismay! :) (FYI...He hates reading!)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Karys's First Valentine's/Show Off Outfit #2

Happy Valentine's Day! If you read this blog, it must mean that you have a slight interest in the goings-on of our lives. Since our lives are not all that exciting, you must like us as well. And so for that reason, let me say to you that we like you too! :) Hope your day is great and full of love!

First off, today is Karys's very first Valentine's Day! What do you give a 6-month-old for Valentine's Day? Well, you give her a gift that was intended to be a Christmas gift that her mommy did not get made in time for Christmas! Ta-da....instant Valentine's Day gift! :) I had the intention of painting/decorating step-stools for Karys and my youngest niece and nephew for Christmas and let time get away from me before I got them done (or started). So Will and Jillian have 2-months-late Christmas gifts coming to them soon and Karys has a Valentine's Day present!

Picture #1: Karys's Valentine's Day Outfit (#2) given to her by my sister, her Aunt Julie. Notice her adorable ruffly booty! :)
Picture #2 and #3: Top and side view of the stool. And it may be true that I am only posting these to brag on myself. I really like the way that it turned out! :)
Picture #4: Looking at the "card" on top. Yes, this did turn out to be the best thing for her! :)Picture #5: Checking out her gift.Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day Outfit #1

Karys has two Valentine's Day outfits to wear. One was a short-sleeved onesie and the other, a long-sleeved footie outfit. Since today was warm outside and tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, it was a good day for the onesie. My awesome friend, Alison, has a new embroidery machine that she's learning to use. Yesterday she brought over a onesie that she embroidered for Karys. It turned out so cute! The first picture is the design on the onesie because I don't think it shows up too well in any of the pictures. Oh well--it looked so cute on her! Thanks, Alison!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

More Exciting Firsts

1. She has held her own bottle! (Not all the time, but hey, she tries! :)
2. She pulls herself forward in the swing. I guess she doesn't have time to sit back and relax!

3. She tries to grab at the things on the mobile.

4. She can sit up independently!!

5. Why you would want to do this, I don't know, but she can put her foot in her mouth. Literally! :)

This girl is just growing up so fast!! :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Our Funniest Video EVER!!

Karys thinks her Nana (my mom) is the funniest person ever. This is the second time Mom has gotten her laughing for long periods of time over the simplest thing. The first time was over Christmas weekend. Ryan, my sister, her boyfriend, and I all went to Six Flags and my parents got to babysit. My dad recorded this 5 minute long video of Karys laughing at my mom feeding her cereal. All my mom did was make a funny noise each time she put a bite in Karys's mouth.

Yesterday my mom stayed with Karys while I was having surgery and since I got to come home around 11 a.m. we were all able to hang out together for the rest of the day. She got Karys laughing harder than I have ever heard her laugh before. I hope you laugh as much as she does!

Baby's Firsts

What firsts has Karys experienced, you ask? Her first time to drink out of a sippy cup, and her first haircut! We'll start with the sippy cup, since that happened first. I read that at 6 months, most babies are able to start using a sippy cup and to try the kind with handles first. We have some of those so last weekend I put some PediaLyte in one and gave it to her to try. She was able to hold on to it and put it in her mouth. I'm not sure how much drinking is being accomplished so far, but it's a pretty big deal that she knows what to do with it! Here are a couple of pics:

And now, on to the haircut! Those of you that see her on a regular basis know that her hair has been growing really long in the back, much faster than in the front. Call it what you want--it either looked like a mullet or a rattail. Not acceptable. :) I've been on Ryan for weeks to let Mary cut it for us but he kept saying no, she's a girl, she should have long hair. I kept trying to explain that it just needed to be evened out and finally he agreed to it.

Here is the "mullet", pre-cut:

Doesn't she look so big getting her haircut? :)

And now, the nicely trimmed back---so pretty!
Ryan thinks I let Mary cut it too short. I think it looks exactly like I wanted it to look because now it will grow evenly. I often mention to Karys how pretty she looks with her haircut, in front of Ryan! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Really Quick...

Just wanted to say that I did have my gall bladder removed today and things went amazingly well. I don't think I could've imagined it going so well. I'm having very minimal pain (like a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10) and they gave me the good drugs. :) My mom was able to come last night and stay with Karys today during surgery, plus help Ryan take care of her. And now Ryan gets to be in charge of her for the next couple of days while I get better. Sorry to anyone that I am springing this on who was not informed that the surgery had actually been scheduled! :)

I will be posting pics and video as soon as I can sit at the computer for longer periods of time. I got a great video of my mom making Karys laugh harder than I have ever heard her laugh.

About Me

My photo
I've been a wife for over seven years, a mommy of one for 2 and a half years, and a mommy of two as of 12/28/10! :) I married Ryan on July 26, 2003. We always said we wanted to have kids sometime around our fifth anniversary. The closer that time came, the more we started thinking we still needed another year. However, God held us to our original plan because Karys Elizabeth was born July 30, 2008...4 days after our 5th anniversary. :) I quit my job teaching kindergarten to take on the much more rewarding "career" of stay-at-home mom. There are some days that are hard, but I love it just the same. God surprised us again in May 2010 when we found out we were having baby #2. I went through the entire pregnancy expecting him to go past his January 9, 2011 due date since his sister was overdue. However, Zane Elliott surprised us by making his debut on December 28, 2010, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Now that we have "one of each" we could be "done" with our family, but hopefully that won't be the case. :)