What firsts has Karys experienced, you ask? Her first time to drink out of a sippy cup, and her first haircut! We'll start with the sippy cup, since that happened first. I read that at 6 months, most babies are able to start using a sippy cup and to try the kind with handles first. We have some of those so last weekend I put some PediaLyte in one and gave it to her to try. She was able to hold on to it and put it in her mouth. I'm not sure how much drinking is being accomplished so far, but it's a pretty big deal that she knows what to do with it! Here are a couple of pics:

Ryan thinks I let Mary cut it too short. I think it looks exactly like I wanted it to look because now it will grow evenly. I often mention to Karys how pretty she looks with her haircut, in front of Ryan! :)

And now, on to the haircut! Those of you that see her on a regular basis know that her hair has been growing really long in the back, much faster than in the front. Call it what you want--it either looked like a mullet or a rattail. Not acceptable. :) I've been on Ryan for weeks to let Mary cut it for us but he kept saying no, she's a girl, she should have long hair. I kept trying to explain that it just needed to be evened out and finally he agreed to it.
Here is the "mullet", pre-cut:

Doesn't she look so big getting her haircut? :)

And now, the nicely trimmed back---so pretty!

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