Yesterday Karys and I went over to visit Stephanie and her mom, Catherine for a fun play date. Stephanie is only 2 1/2 weeks younger than Karys so we're hoping these two will grow up to be good buddies. We had a lot of fun with them, especially now that the babies are getting older and a little more interactive--especially with each other. Here's a few pics from our day, and then a video of the two girls "talking" to each cute! :)
By the way, take notice of her outfit. She's only worn it one other time and I was afraid it might be too small now, but actually it fits perfectly. I absolutely love this outfit!! :) I thought she looked so pretty in it. In fact, I really want to take her up to the Sears Portrait Studio (because we have some really great-deal coupons) and have her picture made in this!
Look at this pretty girl!
"What?" :)
"My toy!" "No, my toy!"
Karys: "Oh forget it. I've got my thumbs!"
Playing together nicely again

And now, for the really cute video. They seem to understand how to have a conversation!
I think she was jealous of Karys' cute bow! *wink*
Oh my word...that was adorable! They were really chatting up a storm! And Karys looked soo cute in that picture!
How super cute!!
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