We haven't been up to too much lately. She did go have her first studio portraits done at Sears last Thursday and this past Tuesday. Why the two days, you ask? That would be because last Wednesday she was having lots of nasal congestion problems and did not sleep well that night. So when we went to have her pics made, she was not feeling her best and was also tired. We got through one picture before having a complete meltdown, took a 30-minute walk around the mall, came back, took 3 more pictures, changed an outfit (which started complete meltdown #2), and rescheduled for this week. The pictures are so cute!! :) However, now that I've said that, I won't be able to post them because I didn't buy one of their huge portrait packages so I could've gotten a CD.
Karys is getting really close to crawling. In the last two days, she's also figured out how to get herself into a sitting position, from laying down. Twice I've caught her on the video monitor after putting her down for a nap, playing and eventually sitting in her crib! :) Yesterday I had her playing with toys in the living room while I was unloading the dishwasher (at the other end of the living room...not like I'm leaving her to fend for herself!) and I would walk over periodically to make sure things were still good. Once I walked over and she was laying on her tummy...a few minutes later, she's sitting up again! I still haven't actually gotten to see her in action, but obviously she knows what she's doing! As for the crawling thing, I'm not ready for that!! :) Although the way she's been lately is getting so close that she might as well be crawling. I'm just not ready to have her be so non-stationary!
Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment:
At Monday's doctor's appointment, I was told that she is big enough to start having those Biter Biscuits, which as every mom knows is a really disgusting food since all it does is dissolve all over the place, like this:

And this picture is just to show what she'll do if there is any fabric to grab on her clothes (it goes straight to the mouth!):

Check out this pretty girl (her shirt says "Trend Setter")
And then this video is to show what happened the other day during an act of determination to get a toy. See what I mean?? Almost crawling!

Biter biscuits are such a pain! Looks like Karys is really close to crawling. However, I kept thinking that about Jonas. I was like, "Oh, he'll be crawling in a week!" It didn't happen until like a month later. And don't worry--they start off pretty slow so you have time to get used to it. Do you have a scanner to scan some of the portraits when you get them, so you can post them? Or does that infringe upon copyright laws? :)
she is doing great! It does look like she will be crawling soon! And don't worry about her being "petite"....Cole was NEVER even on the chart to be in a percentile! (Except when he was born!) He was 2 when I realized I needed to buy him a new swimsuit and I checked it to see what size it was that was too small--9-12 months! Ben and I laughed hysterically that day!
I would call that a "precrawl" at the very least. She's a determined little thing...that's great...maybe :)
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