Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Pig Tails

We spent Friday night and all day Saturday in Forney with my family, partly because my mom, sister, and sister's fiance were all participating in the Forney Relay for Life.

*Side note: My mom had breast cancer when I was a child. At Relay, cancer survivors wear purple shirts that say "Survivor" on the back and do a special lap all together at the start of Relay. Watching that at the Longview Relay always brings tears to my eyes---just thinking about all that these people have been through, what some are still going through, and the strenght of the survivors and their families. Watching my MOM walk that lap felt even more emotional. I was so young when she was going through it that I barely remember it, but the fact that she never had a relapse and it was caught early and she's still HERE just makes me that much more appreciative of her!! :) *End Side Note :)

My mom and my sister are always buying things for Karys and this weekend was no exception. My mom got her these cute little flower clips which really excited me because I've been wanting to try her hair in pig tails, but knew I needed two matching bows for that. So here are the results!

(And here she is playing with my parents' cat...which actually was the cat I had in college. :)


Josie said...

Super cute pig tails!! Make sure to check out my blog a lady on etsy donated a super cute hat w/clip to giveway. It will be posted next week.

Caci said...

Her hair is adorable!! Love it! I used to do the same thing with Annalisa's hair, but my family always said she looked like a bug with 2 antennae on top! ;-)

Jaime said...

How fun! I love the way they stick up. So cute! :-)

Crim said...

She is so cute!

About Me

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I've been a wife for over seven years, a mommy of one for 2 and a half years, and a mommy of two as of 12/28/10! :) I married Ryan on July 26, 2003. We always said we wanted to have kids sometime around our fifth anniversary. The closer that time came, the more we started thinking we still needed another year. However, God held us to our original plan because Karys Elizabeth was born July 30, 2008...4 days after our 5th anniversary. :) I quit my job teaching kindergarten to take on the much more rewarding "career" of stay-at-home mom. There are some days that are hard, but I love it just the same. God surprised us again in May 2010 when we found out we were having baby #2. I went through the entire pregnancy expecting him to go past his January 9, 2011 due date since his sister was overdue. However, Zane Elliott surprised us by making his debut on December 28, 2010, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Now that we have "one of each" we could be "done" with our family, but hopefully that won't be the case. :)